Chapter Five

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(Sexy Noah!)

Faye's P.O.V -


I looked up at Brooke from where I was currently stocktaking the last of our winter candles we had left.

Winter was ending, and we had some candles left but not too many so I was counting them ready to arrange them on a sale shelf with discounts so they would hopefully all go before the spring collections arrived within the next month.

"So?" I responded absentmindedly, putting the number eight next to 'Sparkling Snowflake' on the list.

"Faye!" She exclaimed and I giggled, "Do you really have to make me spell it all out?!"

"I'm sorry," I faked confusion, "I don't know what you're on about," I smiled secretly as I moved on to count 'Cranberry Delights'.

"Ughh!" She grumbled frustrated from where she stood behind the till, "Saturday night!" She exclaimed.

"What about Saturday night?" I teased, putting the number 6 down.

"God dammit! You and Elliot Saturday night! I want the details girl and don't you dare hide any!" She was practically ripping her hair out as she glared at me and I laughed before a blush started to cake my cheeks.

Sunday morning was all I could think about. It was only yesterday but I spent all last night feeling giddy and I was still feeling happy this morning when I turned up for work.

"Fine," I caved, "Well I was completely out of it, I was just so tired I collapsed on him in the booth and I tried hard to stay awake but he was soothingly whispering in my ear that I should sleep and that he had hold of me and the next thing I knew it was Sunday morning!" I started as Brooke eagerly leaned over the counter, head in the palm of her hands as she stared at me with sparkling eyes.

"Aww, you were so cute Faye! All curled up on Elliot's lap, he was gazing at you so lovingly I wanted to squeal!"

I blushed harder, "Well I woke up feeling warm and comfortable and as I took in my surroundings I realised I was practically on top of him and I froze!," I stopped for a second, "He was already awake and was holding me to him as he mumbled a good morning and I was shocked at first and asked him what happened. I was feeling a little nervous about the situation, I hadn't been in a guys bed for a long time! But it felt so right Brooke, and when he told me about how he'd wanted to bring me home with him I was feeling quite special."

"Go on!" She encouraged as I stopped again.

I giggled, "I looked down and I was only in his shirt, I wasn't embarrassed like I thought I'd be at the thought of him changing me, I was kind of a little excited to know the fact that he'd seen me in my underwear...I wanted to know what he thought but I daren't ask something so silly...anyway we cuddled again for a good half an hour and my God Brooke! His body is mouthwatering, I spent the entire time ogling his chest and tracing his tattoos...I could never get tired of it."

"I know what you mean, I can never get tired of looking at Noah, but anyway carry on! I want to know more!" She pushed for the rest and I smiled, it was so nice to have a girl to talk to and that was genuinely interested.

"It was roughly eleven when we got out of bed and if I wasn't still on the bed I would have fallen over as he climbed out of bed in only his boxers," As I thought back to the sight my eyes clouded with lust and my body tingled.

"You can dream about your mans body later Faye I'm waiting for more details here!"

"Sorry," I blushed, "We went to his kitchen, he made pancakes! My favourite and he can cook Brooke, none of my exes even tried to cook for me. We ate together chatting about the club and some of the syrup smothered all over my lips and trailed down my chin, you'll never guess what he did," I teased her and she glared at me though her eyes still lit up with excitement for me.

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