Chapter Ten

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Faye's P.O.V

The next day I woke up happy.

Yesterday at the beach was so much fun, even when Rory did throw me into the sea and Elliot refused to help.

I got ready for work with a smile on my face that I hoped wouldn't fade for a good while.

I slipped on some jean shorts and my works shirt before pulling out my phone as I set off to the kitchen to grab some fruit.

My new screensaver lit up as I switched it on and my smile widened.

Before we had gone home we had made sure to take some pictures.

Not many...just a group photo we asked a random passer by to take that I was hoping to get framed, but the one that was the background of my phone was my favourite.

It was of me and Elliot. I was held between his legs like I had been practically all day and he had his head lowered and nuzzled against mine as we both smiled at the camera.

It seemed crazy how quickly I was falling for this guy, but at the same time I didn't want it to stop.

Most of my doubts, that I had about getting into another relationship had vanished.

All thanks to Elliot and his wonderful personality. He was so upfront with everything and didn't let anything simmer and go unnoticed. If there was something to talk about, then he would talk about it.

He was confident but not cocky, he could be firm but he was also loving and caring.

It was safe to say that just after this short time in being with Elliot I was beginning to fall in love.

To my own surprise I wasn't as worried about it as I probably would have been a few months ago if this had occurred, but meeting Elliot had changed everything for the better and I felt more confident and less worried about everything in general.

I felt like me again.


I got to work on time, ready for a busy day.

Mondays were always busy and by the looks of the people already wandering the town, today would be no exception.

By lunchtime me and Brooke decided to stay up in our room. We had been so busy this morning, with our biggest customer intake since I had started working there; meaning me and Brooke were working hard.

We were in the midst of spring, meaning more people were venturing outside and into the shops and we had plenty of people wandering up the stairs into our little first floor store.

I collapsed down onto the small sofa next to Brooke, feeling tired already. If we weren't dealing with customers we were cleaning up after them, stock taking and restocking the displays and generally making sure the shop looked pristine and presentable.

We set out to make a lasting impression.

I hadn't sat down since I left my house that morning and my feet were beginning to ache so it was nice to be able to relax for an hour before it was all go again.

"Damn. As much as I love the business I'm getting lately I damn well need this break," Brooke groaned as she stretched out her muscles next to me.

Brooke had worked even harder than me. While I spent the morning on the shop floor she was the one behind the till serving the customers and wrapping up their purchases. It was stressful trying to do it quickly but neatly to keep the queue down.

We were swapping places after lunch as it was only fair to do so so it would be my turn and I was hoping I wouldn't screw it up.

"So," Brooke piped up ten minutes later after we had hurriedly munched down our sandwiches and made ourselves a glass of juice each.

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