Chapter Seven

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(Faye above)

Faye's P.O.V

I woke up a little disoriented and although we stayed up quite late chatting and watching TV I felt refreshed and I didn't feel too tired, I seemed to sleep so well when I was cuddled with Elliot and I really didn't want to have to get up.

I was held snug against Elliot's firm chest, half on top of him, and only when I opened my eyes did I realise where his hands were. He had one arm around my upper back and his other hand was firm on my butt. My night dress had risen due to our compromising position so his hand was practically on my skin as my lace underwear pretty much hid nothing. At least I had nice underwear on though, I always did love nice underwear, it made me feel pretty.

His large hand felt nice there though and I didn't feel at all worried, it actually made my body tingle a little from having a mans touch on my skin.

Elliot was still asleep and I looked to the clock to see we had an hour and a half before we had to be at work. It was still best to get up though, at least then we could have some breakfast.

"Eli," I said softly, lifting my head to look at his face. He didn't even flinch and I took the time to take in how handsome he looked asleep. His face was purely relaxed, like he had no worries in the world and he seemed not to, Elliot didn't seem to have anything in life to stress or worry about and it must be because he was so hands on and up front with everything, never letting something settle or wait to be dealt with.

"Elliot, wake up," I wiggled around trying to get out of his grasp, which was proving impossible and I couldn't help but blush when I felt his morning wood poke my thigh.

That woke him up though and his dreamy eyes flickered straight to mine.

"Mmm, what a nice way to wake up," He murmured sleepily with a slight smirk, clutching my ass harder and I gasped as his fingers dug in to the skin.

I bravely pecked his lips and he grinned naughtily at me before suddenly flipping us so I was underneath him and I squealed, shocked at the sudden movement.

He chuckled down at me, running a hand through his hair before hoisting one of my legs around his waist, holding my thigh tightly.

"So fucking beautiful," He said huskily and I felt myself getting turned on by his husky, sleep filled voice.

I squirmed against him feeling him press his lower body against mine.

"Eli," I mumbled as he stared down at me with lust filled eyes.

"Yes Faye?" He mused, before releasing me with a sigh and sitting us up.

I ran my fingers through my hair, " just make me feel all hot," I blushed.

He smirked again, "I can make you feel even hotter you know, if you took a shower with me right now...the things I would do to your sexy little body," He sighed again, "but I know you're not ready so how about you let me take a quick shower then I'll be starting on some breakfast while you get yourself ready."

I nodded, the shower together sounded nice but I knew he was right, I wasn't quite ready for kinky sex just yet.

He kissed me softly before he let himself into his bathroom leaving the door wide open and my eyes widened as he stripped off his boxers in the doorway before chucking them into his washing basket.

He turned his head to smirk at me and chuckled as he caught my eyes trained in on his firm looking ass.

My mouth was probably drooling but I didn't give a damn. Oh my God was he sexy as hell.

His ass was round yet firm and muscly, I didn't even know you could get such a muscly ass but hey I wasn't complaining, he was gorgeous.

He didn't turn his body completely so I didn't get to see his front and I found myself feeling slightly disappointed. He looked like he'd be bloody huge.

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