Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty Two

Faye's P.O.V

The following week, the Tuesday to be exact I was woken up early by the ringing of my phone.

I groaned sleepily, wondering who the hell it could be at this time at the morning.

"H-hello," I yawned, rubbing my eyes, moving away from Elliot who was sleeping soundly.

"Faye? Is this you? Where are you?!"

I made it to the living room and sat down, eyes widening as I realised who it was speaking to me.


"Yes it's your mother! Where are you Faye? Are you round that Sam's again?"

I sighed tiredly, it had been a hell of a long time since I had spoken to my mum, so long that she still thought I was with Sam.

"Mum, me and Sam broke up over a year ago."

"Hmmph," She huffed at me down the phone, "Well...can't you reconcile for one night, we're home for an important dinner party and you are required to attend Faye."

I rolled my eyes. Mum didn't even care to ask what happened, let alone ask if I'm alright after all this time that her and dad had been away.

"No mum, I can't do that."

She huffed through the phone again, "Always have been so long until you're home so we can talk this out properly?"

"Mum, I don't live there anymore!"

She was silent for a few seconds before she started screeching down my ear.

I hadn't missed this at all.

"What do you mean you've moved out? Jasper darling you won't believe this! Faye said she's moved out! Faye what are you thinking and why on earth did you not consult with us first?"

"Mum! You hate me contacting you when you're away, and besides there was nothing to consult, I had made the decision. I live in Ashby now and I've been here for months, I did leave you emails but you clearly never checked them."

"Don't talk to your mother in that tone Faye!"

I wanted to groan as I rubbed at my forehead. Dad had joined in now too.

"I'm sorry."

"So you should be sorry, now why don't we meet up to discuss all this nonsense, tomorrow at noon down at the coffee shop by the park up in High Green."

"Fine, I'll be there."

The call disconnected and I groaned, flopping back against the couch.

Everything was going so well, and now more drama was back. I sometimes felt like my life was made for it, and that I would never truly have a break from it all that lasted longer than a few months at the most.

I couldn't get back to sleep so I busied myself doing the clothes washing, cleaning and making breakfast after I had gotten ready myself.

Elliot found me in the kitchen at around 7am, he snuck up behind me where I was plating up bacon and eggs and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Someone's been busy this morning, but I can tell something is wrong without even seeing your face beautiful, what's going on? It's normally you that's out of bed last in the mornings."

It was true, I loved staying in bed with Elliot as long as I could, savouring the moment.

I sighed, resting my head back against his chest. I felt like all I did was give Elliot problems.

"It's nothing, I'm alright Eli," I tried, switching off of the oven and reaching to put the frying pan in the sink from where I was trapped against the counter.

I felt Elliot pull away slightly before I felt two hard slaps on my ass and I yelped, my hands flying to my butt.

"Don't give me that fucking bullshit baby, something's wrong you tell me, we've discussed this before."

I nodded, "Ok, I'm sorry, I just feel like I'm always burdening you with my problems."

He turned me to face him, his hands reaching to gently cup my face, "There we go, don't ever doubt that you can tell me anything and baby, we're a couple, I'm supposed to know any problems you have and it's my job as your boyfriend to help you through them."

We made our way to the breakfast table where Elliot placed everything on one plate and then pulled me down on his lap sideways so we could share.

He fed me some bacon before shovelling some into his own mouth using the same fork. Little things like that still made me feel giddy.

"My parents called me really early this morning, they're back from wherever they went, it's been so long since I've heard from them and they didn't allow me to contact them so they've only just found out that I'm not there anymore and I don't think they can believe it. They also think I'm still with Sam Eli, they want to meet me tomorrow and I'm going to have to explain everything and I don't really know what to do."

It was silent for a little while as Elliot processed it all, but he continued to feed me.

"Are you going to meet them tomorrow?"

"Yeah, at lunch back in High Green, I don't really want to but I suppose I owe it to them to explain what's changed in my life now. They kept going on about a dinner that I was required to attend with Sam but I'm not sure what that's all about."

"Over my dead body will you be going anywhere with him baby," He practically growled in my ear, instantly going into his protective mode.

"I won't Elliot, I don't want anything to do with him or Nick."

"Do you want me to go with you to meet your parents Faye?" He asked, changing the subject.

I thought about it for a little while, "No it's ok, it's probably best I go by myself."

"Alright baby girl but I'm just a phone call away if you need me ok?"

I nodded my head, "Thank you, I know, you're my rock Elliot, I love you."

"I love you too," He mumbled against my lips before he started feeding us both again.


I know guys, it's been a while and I apologose.

I have a plan for how I want this story to end now so I will slowly be finishing things up but don't worry this still a bit to get through :)

Please keep voting and commenting, comments are my favourites as I love reading what you guys think of my story.

Thanks for reading <3

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