Chapter Twenty-Three

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Faye's P.O.V

After Brooke kindly allowed me the day off to go visit my parents I found myself driving back to High Green.

I had hoped I wouldn't have to come back again, but I knew I didn't have to worry about my exes as they seemed to have followed me to Ashby, so I didn't really have any reason to worry at all.

I arrived on time as my parents were always punctual people and I didn't want to piss them off any more than they probably were, or at least would be by the end of lunch.

They were sipping Latte's when I entered and spotted them in a booth towards the back of the coffee shop.

"Mum, Dad," I greeted as I sat down across from them with a hot chocolate I purchased before heading over.

"Faye, nice of you to join us," Mum quipped.

"So, what's this you say about moving?" Dad was always straight to the point.

"I already have moved. I left several months ago, I did email you and leave you messages. I live in Ashby now, I had my own bungalow which I now rent out as I've moved in with my new boyfriend."

Better to let them have it all at once.

It took them a little while to process.

"So you're telling us you've moved out and found a new boyfriend as well? What happened to Sam?" Mum liked Sam, but then I did too I guess at one point.

"Sam cheated on me mum, and he wouldn't leave me alone so I decided to move and have a fresh start."

She huffed and I rolled my eyes, she probably didn't even believe me.

"Well, you are going to have to reconcile your petty differences for one night Faye, we have an important dinner meeting with the mayor of High Green and many other citizens and you as our daughter are required to attend, and bringing a decent man alongside you will make you look a lot better," Mother brushed off my previous statements and I rolled my eyes as the word 'petty' rolled out of her mouth.

She had no idea.

Dad didn't even look that interested anymore, and was staring out of the window.

"Mum, I'm sorry, but I'm not talking to Sam, let alone getting back together with him."

"Why not? He too will most likely be required to attend so why not just go together. In fact I could probably message him and set it up for you."

"NO! Mum I'm not going anywhere with him and you can't make me. I'm not going to the stupid dinner, I'm sick of being invisible to both of you unless you need me for something, you're supposed to be parents! I can't do this anymore."

"Faye! Stop this nonsense, you will go to the dinner with the boy like your mother has said!"

"No! I have someone else now, if I have to go I will ask Elliot to come with me but that is the only way I will come to this thing, and after that I'm done, this is the last thing I will do for either of you."

My mum just rolled her eyes as if she thought I was joking. This was just a game to her, she doesn't care at all.

"Ok, you're allowed to bring this new man of yours but so help me if you mess this up Faye. We'll be in touch with the details."

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