Chapter Three

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(Beautiful Brooke above!)

Faye's P.O.V -

I was absolutely shitting it the next morning as I got ready for work.

Simply because I had to face Elliot after kissing him on the cheek last night.

I didn't regret it and it may sound silly that I was panicking so much about a kiss on the cheek but to me it was a big deal. I mean I didn't wait to find out what he thought of it, without looking at him I hopped down from his overly large truck and ran into my house like a scared little mouse.

He certainly showed me he was interested or was he? Was I just mistaking his actions? No even Brooke said she could tell he liked me and she knew all of the guys well.

I sighed as I slipped on some leggings instead of jeans today. I had eyed my gladiator sandals wanting to wear them but it was way too cold out at the moment for that so I had reluctantly grabbed my cute black ankle boots. I teased my hair into a messy high ponytail and thought hard.

The reason why I was so panicked was because I'd let him know I was interested in return. It was a heat of the moment thing that I kissed his cheek but still he now knows I like him too. I was just worried I wasn't ready for another relationship yet. It'd been nearly a year since I split from Nick and nearly eighteen months since I split from Sam and my perception of a relationship between man and woman was tainted because of the pair of them and I couldn't help but think that nothing good could come from getting involved with Elliot. I didn't want another failed attempt in my life, I don't think my heart could take anymore.

As I made my way downstairs I came to the decision to try and stay away from Elliot. I couldn't get hurt again, I simply couldn't.

I couldn't help but feel like that was going to be impossible though, that and the fact I was acting like a bit of a fifteen year old girl.

Two weeks later and I was doing a pretty good job of avoiding Elliot. The guys hadn't needed me to work for them as they weren't so busy that they were all working at once so it was pretty easy.

Lunches were a bit harder but me and Brooke had been eating together upstairs as we'd had a lot of stock come in so while we were busy they weren't.

"Good morning gorgeous," Asher saluted me as I entered the shop on Monday morning from where he sat behind the desk.

"Morning Asher," I smiled. Asher flirted and teased me but didn't seem to go any further than that which I was ok with, I could participate in some harmless flirting and he always managed to get a smile on my face even though I'd only known him for a few weeks.

I made my way upstairs to see Brooke was running late today so I flicked on the lights and took out the set of keys Brooke hid in a tub under the desk to unlock the doors so I could put my things away and bring all the books out. I unlocked the till and put the keys back and busied myself with dusting some of the shelves off to begin with.

"I'm so sorry Faye!" Brooke sounded exhausted and I frowned as she came running up to me.

"It's fine Brooke, are you ok, you look absolutely exhausted?" I asked concerned and she nodded.

"I'm fine honey, I didn't sleep very well last night and then when I did sleep I overslept and woke up like half an hour ago! Thank God you're here now!"

I laughed and proceeded to make her some coffee to wake her up a bit.

It was near lunchtime now and I'd succeeded in avoiding Elliot so far as I've had no reason to head downstairs and I'd declined Brooke's invitation to go to the cafe with them as I had bought my own lunch and she said she'd bring me back a hot chocolate so I didn't miss out completely.

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