Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Faye's P.O.V

"How does it look?" I asked Elliot as he applied the cream to my tattoo.

He hummed, smiling as he looked up at me, "It looks great beautiful, it's healing really well, nothing to worry about at all."

I smiled relieved, "Good."

I was incredibly lucky to have my tattooist as my boyfriend as he made sure it was healing the best it could and he would notice immediately if anything was wrong and would know exactly what to do.

"Have you thought anymore about the photo shoot sweetheart?" Elliot asked me as he lowered my floaty top back over the tattoo after making sure the cream was well rubbed in.

I nodded. I had been thinking about it but I still hadn't really come to a conclusion about it.

"I have, but I'm still unsure what to do. What about you, what do you think?" I asked him, wanting to know his opinion on the whole thing.

He put the cream back on the table and sat down on the sofa, guiding me onto his lap sideways so I could still look at him and he me.

"Personally I can see the pros and the cons, I would love to pose with you intimately for the kind of photo shoot that we will have and I would be honoured to have the photos from it. I think they will look fantastic and you will look so gorgeous and sexy I just know it. I just think for the shop windows I would like the photos to be a bit more conservative, I love your body but you're mine and I don't want to show all of it to the town, no matter how sexy it is." He planted a kiss on the top of my head before continuing.

"I've had some ideas on how we could do things. I think you could get away with a really short crop top, maybe in a black or purple to match the shop colours, as for your bottoms, we could do half body shots so the photo ends where your tattoo stops. Another idea is we could use materials or my own body for example to hide bits of yours. No full faces will be in the photos, that's the same for everyone...I think the best thing is if you're up for it to have a play and practice and see how they turn out. No photos will go up without your permission baby and it's going to be either Brooke or one of the guys taking the actual photos, and we can take photos of the guys too."

I thought about it. I was intrigued by the whole thing and I too would love to have photos of my sexy boyfriend and his tattoos. I knew Elliot wasn't bothered about having his body on display, he was confident like that.

"I would like to try it," I said with a slight blush and Elliot grinned naughtily at me.

"Yeah?" He questioned to be sure.

"Yeah," I nodded, happy I had made a decision.

"Excellent I'll let the guys know, we are going to start shooting their photos this coming week, I'd give your tattoo a little longer before taking photos but we can plan some ideas and see what you would be comfortable with," He kissed my lips before grabbing his phone and messaging the guys to let them know.

"I think you'll enjoy it baby, and it'll be much better than just having us guys up there," He winked.

I smiled, "I am looking forward to it, I'm just nervous to see what the photos will come out like," I said as I bit down on my lip.

Elliot's thumb was immediately on my mouth, removing my abused lip from between my teeth.

"Faye they will come out fucking stunning, you're so sexy my baby but you still don't see it do you?" He tilted his head to the side as he stared down at me, "I think if anything this photo shoot will help you see how fucking gorgeous you are."

I blushed, burying my head into his chest and he chuckled, stroking his hand through my hair.

"Come on, I think I need to prove to you again how sexy I find your body," Elliot smirked, then in just a second he had me hoisted over his shoulder and he landed a slap on my butt.

"Elliot!" I laughed, "Put me down," I wriggled and then groaned when he slapped my ass again, wriggling this time for a different reason. Who knew a simple slap on the ass could turn someone on so much and so quickly?

I found myself deposited on the bed and I bounced as I landed, quickly looking to see Elliot smirking wickedly down at me.

I felt my cheeks go red as he studied me and his smirk widened before he climbed on the bed and crawled over me, forcing me to lay back.

He kissed me hard, nothing gentle about it but it was full of passion and I could taste his hunger for me.

Before I knew it all our clothes were gone and Elliot surprised me by standing up and grabbing me, hoisting my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

"What...?" I was going to query what he was doing when I felt him enter me and I moaned loudly, cutting off my question.

I hadn't been taken from this angle before and it felt so good, I could feel him deep inside me and the pleasure increased when he started to lift me up and down on him.

It didn't take long for me to find my first release and as I came down from the high I noticed Elliot just watching me but I wasn't feeling shy anymore so I smiled softly at him as I took note of the intense hunger in his eyes.

He leaned forwards and planted a kiss on my lips, "See, fucking stunning," was all he said before he started up the pace again, bringing himself to orgasm along with me this time round.

An hour later I lay naked and slumped against his chest on the bed, thoroughly exhausted yet incredibly satisfied.

"You alright baby?" I could hear the smugness in his voice as he asked me.

"Mmhmm," A mumble was all I could manage and a deep chuckled vibrated through his chest at my lack of response.

"You have no idea what seeing you like this does to my ego," I managed a giggle as he finished the sentence.

"I need to clean you up baby then we can sleep," He said as he sat up, forcing me to sit up in the process.

I grumbled a little but complied, "Ok," eager to get it over with so I could cuddle back in bed with Elliot until morning came.


Another short chapter for you guys, leading up to their photo shoot :)

Thanks for reading! <3

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