Chapter Fourteen

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(Faye's dress above, but imagine it a deeper red and instead of the skater dress bottom it hugs her figure)

Sorry in advance for how much this one sucks.

Faye's P.O.V

Another month had passed and we were now in the beginning of May.

Me and Elliot were even closer if that was even possible. I could honestly say that I am the most comfortable I've ever been around anybody when I was with him.

He was perfect and I loved him completely. It was something we made sure to tell each other every day because why not?

I didn't get those couples that claimed to be in love with each other but never actually say the words.

Me and Elliot also became a lot more  intimate with other since that time in my bed and the shower just over a month ago.

Lets just say that we don't tend to shower on our own anymore and while we hadn't actually had sex yet I now felt more than ready for it. We had explored each other's body's to their entirety and I felt so much more confident with my own body as well as with exploring my boyfriends.

He had guided me in how he liked to be pleasured with no pressure and he was a master at pleasuring mine and took me to heights I had never been with his fingers and his mouth.

Tonight we were going out with Brooke and Noah, it was a Saturday and the four of us had all just left off work and had planned to head out for some dancing and some drinks.

Rory and Asher weren't able to come so we decided to call it a double date instead.

I was looking forward to dressing up and going out. Back in my old town I was always stuck indoors and never had friends to go places so I was loving being able to go out as often as I could.

Me and Elliot had made it tradition to go out somewhere at least once a week.

Whether it was out for a meal, to the park or just for a coffee. It was our time to hang out with one another outside of our homes and either talk about anything or just snuggle up in the back of his truck in the park watching the stars.

That was one of my favourite things to do.

We hadn't been out to a club since I went there for the first time a couple of months ago when me and Elliot had only just started seeing each other.

I was looking forward to it, the idea of dancing with my friends and having a few drinks sounding like fun and would be a good way to finish off a week of busy work.

Since we finished after lunch we decided that I was going to go home then meet up with Brooke and get ready before we met the guys there later on so we could surprise them with our outfits.

It was Brooke's idea and I was actually excited if not a little nervous to dress quite sexy in public as I knew Brooke wasn't going to let me get away with jeans and a pretty top.

We were meeting the guys at eight so I was meeting Brooke at six so we could take our time.

I had told Brooke I didn't really have many sexy clothes, to which she immediately responded that we needed to do a shopping trip, but she said that for tonight since we didn't have time that she had the perfect dress for me that didn't fit her anymore.

I didn't have any other option so I had put my trust in her.

Six o clock came way too quick and before I knew it I had gotten a taxi to Brooke's seeing as I wouldn't be able to drive home.

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