Chapter Nineteen

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Faye's P.O.V

The following week as promised Elliot came with me to the local general store. It was only me living in my home apart from when Elliot stayed or we had the guys round for the evening so I didn't get a lot in quantity of food and household necessities but I liked to get varying things and I hated every shop to be the same so I liked to search for what took my eye.

So far I had planned a tomato pasta dish and a lovely salad dish, complete with a mini baked potato and cold pulled pork for the week ahead.

Having the same old meals every week was no fun and that's how many people lost their love and drive to cook unless it was a favourite, traditional meal of course, then it would never get boring to cook.

As I browsed the section of fresh meat Elliot's hands travelled from my waist to my ass and I elbowed his chest.

Elliot was trying to distract me on purpose, I could tell by the smirk on his lips and the twinkle in his eyes

"Eli stop it, there's cameras in here you know."

"Yeah? Then why not give them a show baby?"

I glared up at him and he laughed, whenever I glared he said I looked like a cute puppy...which wasn't my intention.

"It's your damn fault're wearing these damn shorts again," He whispered hotly in my ear and I shivered violently when he pressed a kiss just below my right ear.

I whimpered as he took the lobe in his mouth, "Yes I know but you wanted me to wear them," I exclaimed, finally succeeding in pushing him away.

He smirked, hands gripping the trolley instead of my hips to keep himself restrained.

I giggled, sticking a leg of lamb into the trolley before skipping off with a swing in my hips to the next isle.

I heard him groan which made me giggle again as he followed me with the shopping trolley.

A few isles later Elliot finally managed to get his hands on me again and he pressed me firmly against the freezer and I gasped, shivering as my bare legs were pressed up against it.

"Eli, c-cold," I shivered, squirming in his hold and he chuckled deeply, nipping at my ear causing me to shiver for an entirely different reason.

"When I get you home you little tease you're getting it," He growled out roughly and I whimpered as his hands reached around and squeezed my ass hard.

I had no doubt in my mind that he meant it and I knew I was most definitely not going to be getting gentle soft loving when we got home and my body was tingling already in anticipation.

"Ah...Eli it's cold," I squirmed again once more, the ice cold freezer chilling my skin and he chuckled deeply once more before finally allowing me to move and I quickly hopped away.

"Sorry baby," His hands were instantly on my thighs, soothing the chill.

"You're so mean," I pouted and he growled at me again, taking my lip in between his teeth he tugged, gently nipping at my mouth.

"Don't pout," He ordered gruffly once he pulled away.

After a few more moments he finally gave me space and I took deep breaths.

He was so damn intense and my body was on fire with need right now.

"What's next on the list beautiful?" He asked teasingly seeming to know how I was feeling.

"Er...I'm craving curly fries I think right now," I focused my mind on food instead.

"Curly fries it is," Elliot announced, heading off ahead of me and I took the chance to calm my body down.

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