Chapter Eight

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Faye's P.O.V

That Saturday I had the day off completely so I lounged around the house waiting for when Elliot would arrive. It felt weird to spend Saturday morning at home, seeing as I was normally at the shop and I didn't quite know what to do with myself seeing as my friends were at work except for Brooke who had closed the shop for the day to go and visit her parents in the next town over.

Elliot was coming to mine just after lunch, when they closed up at the shop, and was going to spend the night. I was so looking forward to it. After spending most of my time alone before I moved here I was loving the company and friends I had made. It was so nice to spend one on one time with someone, and I certainly never expected to end up with a boyfriend, not that I am complaining.

Elliot was perfect, he was just what I needed and I thanked the world for placing him in my path.

I stayed in the house except to go to the food store to pick up some ingredients.

It was my turn to cook for Eli this time, and not him cook for me and I had prepped the chicken dish ready to stick in the oven for later.

I had planned a chill out evening with food, drinks, movies and maybe some baking.

I had on my favourite pair of little black shorts that were indeed very short and a floaty jumper that was almost the length of said shorts.

"Faye?" A voice called out around two o clock and I eagerly made my way through to meet Elliot who was coming through my front door.

I jumped on him as he turned back around from shutting my door and he hurried to catch me, wrapping my legs around his waist.

I giggled at his surprised face, "Hi."

He chuckled, "Hey beautiful."

I pecked his lips briefly but he wasn't having it and pulled me in for a full on make out session that left me breathless.

"Now that's a proper hello," He teased as he walked us through to my sofa.

I climbed off of him to sit beside him, though I held onto his hand instead, "How was work?"

"Not bad, we weren't really busy so time passed so slowly, I could hardly wait until it was time to leave," He smiled down at me, leaning down for another kiss and I happily obliged.

We snuggled watching TV programmes till around five before I reluctantly got up to stick dinner in the oven.

I was tiptoeing to put away the herbs I used in the cupboard when two hands landed on either side of my bare thighs.

I gasped as Elliot pressed his solid body against mine, cornering me against the counter top.

"How the hell have I only just noticed what you're wearing on your legs," He whispered hotly in my ear and my whole body shivered in response.

I blushed, it was a bold move of mine to wear such skimpy shorts but Elliot made me want to make bold moves and try to be confident with myself.

"I..." I stopped to take in a deep breath as his lips trailed kisses behind my ear.

"They're my favourite," I managed to get out as my hands gripped the counter.

His hands grabbed the bottom of the material that only just covered my ass and he gave it a slight tug before he boldly cupped my ass with both hands, making me whimper as he squeezed me, "I think they're going to be my favourite too..."

I managed to turn around and I stared up at him as his lustful eyes stared back down at me.

"These are for my eyes only alright, I don't wanna see you parading round in these at work," He swallowed harshly as he spoke, "It would be fucking torture."

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