Chapter Seventeen

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(How do you guys feel about Shane Burnell as Elliot? Just imagine him slightly younger!)

Also T&C has finally reached 10,000 reads :)

Enjoy this one, things start to happen now...

Faye's P.O.V

It had been a few months since I finally made love to Elliot, and we were now in July.

These last couple of months had been great and I was falling deeper and deeper in love with Elliot all of the time.

Right now I was doing my food shop. We finished early in the shop today so I managed to come to the store before I went home.

I wandered down the aisles of the food store and was searching for some more herb shakers to stock my cupboard up with. I picked up some basil, thyme, mint and rosemary, popping them into my trolley before heading to the till having finished.

I packed everything into my little car and slammed the boot.

I put my trolley back and went to get in to my car when a voice stopped me.

"Well well well, if it isn't little Faye!" I heard a voice call across the car park and I froze.


It couldn't be.

But it had to be...I wouldn't forget that voice.

I slowly spun around to see two guys approaching me.

"Cat got your tongue huh? Aren't you happy to see me?" The one on the right asked, feigning hurt and I scowled at him making them both laugh.

"What are you doing here?" I asked angrily.

My heart hurt as I stared at them both.

"Aww come on Faye, is that anyway to talk to your ex lovers, you wound us," The one on the left smirked falsely at me and I sighed, rubbing my forehead, I so didn't need this.

"Just go away ok?" I turned to get in my car but was stopped when I was spun around and pushed against it.

"Come on Faye, what's gotten into you! You used to be so willing to try and please us, I don't know if I like this 'new me' facade you're trying to put on," Sam snarled and I shoved him back.

"It's not a facade, this is the new me! I'm not the same eager, shy, nervous and inexperienced girl I was when I met you two!" I snapped.

"Are you saying you've moved on?" Nick raised a curious eyebrow and I grinned, "Yep! I've found someone that truly loves me for me."

To my surprise they both erupted into laughter and I frowned as they came closer and towered over me, making me feel small.

"Oh really?" Sam asked and I nodded trying to keep strong.

"Yes, he's amazing, the best I've ever had," I spat.

"And what did you do to get him to fall for you? Cause I find it damn near hard to believe that your frigid self got anyone to even want to touch you. You had it good with me and then Nick, we were the only ones who could tolerate your lack of sexual skills and pathetic attempt of trying to be affectionate..." He stopped for a second glaring at me as my strong appearance slipped, "I think she's lying don't you Nick?"

"I do indeed," Nick smirked nastily at me and I shrunk back as he reached out and traced his hand over my cheek and I couldn't help but flinch away.

"See, frigid as ever, you were as sexy as a fucking stone Faye," He shook his head as if feeling sorry for me and my heart sunk.

What did I do for these two to bump into me? I obviously didn't move far enough to escape seeing them everyday.

"Just go away, I don't want to see you and I have nothing to say to either of you!" I found a last little bit of confidence and snapped at them again before quickly sliding into my car and locking the doors as they glared at me.

"We look forward to seeing you soon Faye!" Sam smirked at me and I sped out of the car park and all the way home, checking in my mirrors to make sure they weren't following me.

I spent a solid ten minutes sitting outside my house with my head in my hands.

I refused to let the tears that wanted to fall out of my eyes escape. No. I wasn't that weak little sixteen year old girl anymore that craved a guys touch and approval. I was stronger now.

But as I thought back to seeing them again I just wanted to break down. It'd been so long I would've hoped they'd have grown up and not still be hung up on making me feel like shit.

I spent the rest of the day feeling down and eating ice-cream while watching movies. I wanted a girlfriend right now but I didn't want to bother Brooke on her date night with Noah. She deserved to have fun with her man not be dragged away to sulk with me.

I thought about ringing Elliot but I shook my head, he didn't need to be brought down by any of my baggage. I'd get over it and hopefully I wouldn't see them again.

I spent all night practically awake and although I had told myself over and over to get over it I couldn't. I kept thinking back to my previous relationships and what they were like and I couldn't help but think negative about my relationship with Elliot. What if he starts to think the same? What if they find out he's my boyfriend and tell him everything and turn him against me? I don't think I would be able to handle it.

Elliot was my life now. I loved him so much and I would normally tell him if I ever had any worries or concerns but seeing those two yesterday resurfaced all the old thoughts I used to think and made me doubt myself.

I made my way to work tired and sad and slid through the front of the shop and upstairs, thankful that no one was around.

I got on with jobs, mainly cleaning and maintaining the shelves in a daydream, not really able to concentrate as my thoughts were else where. I couldn't stop thinking about it.

"Faye?" Brooke yelled from the desk, "The guys need you downstairs after lunch!"

I yelled back an ok and finished my jobs before heading through to the kitchen and boiling the kettle for my pot noodle.

"Are you alright honey?" Brooke asked as she sat down on the couch.

"Yeah, just feeling a bit down," I shrugged my shoulders and she frowned, "Did the guys do something?"

I shook my head furiously, "No, of course not!"

"Then what's up honey, you know you can tell me anything right?" She told me softly and I nodded, stirring my food.

I went and sat next to her and she pulled me against her and I sniffled, but refused to cry.

She was the only one other than Elliot that knew about my bad relationships with my exes so I simply told her that I had a run in with them at the store and it just brought everything back.

She hugged me while we ate together and to take my mind off it she told me about her date yesterday with Noah. Apparently he took her to a restaurant on the outskirts of town before they went back to his house for movies and popcorn. She made me blush as she told me they had the best sex she'd ever had on his couch and she laughed at my reaction.

I sighed sadly as I realised it was time to go down and face the guys.

"You'll be fine Faye, it's only the guys, they love you, just tell them then you won't have to worry so much."

I nodded knowing she was right, "I'll think about it," I decided and she sighed but gave me another hug before shooing me off.



What do you guys think will happen when Faye gets downstairs?

Do you think she will tell Elliot?

What will Elliot do when/if he finds out?

Thanks for reading! <3

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