Chapter Twenty

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Faye's P.O.V

When we got home after completing the rest of my shop, thankfully without any more incidents, Elliot checked my back for me which had started to hurt slightly but I knew it would only be bruising.

The following day sure enough a large purple bruise appeared directly in the middle of my back, but it didn't bug me at all unless I put pressure on it.

Elliot was angry about it all but I had told him not to worry about it. I think he was more annoyed that he couldn't have his way with me in bed like he wanted to as he didn't want to hurt me. Instead he had me ride him, a completely new experience for me that I found hard at first, feeling slightly self conscious about being above him like that but he lead me through it and I quickly learned to love and enjoy it.

He always takes such good care of me and I wanted to do something special to show him how thankful I was and how much I loved him.

I did a lot of thought throughout the rest of the following week and decided to dedicate a whole day to spoiling him. He deserved so much more but I wanted to do something soon so I didn't have much time to plan anything extravagant.

I booked us both the entire Saturday off of work to spend all day together. I loved days when we got to spend every hour of a day with each other, I just wished it could be every day...though sadly that wasn't possible.

I drove us out to breakfast, much to his displeasure I refused to let him drive or pay. We both enjoyed a full english, before I drove to our next destination.

I admitted slightly embarrassed that I didn't have much time to plan but Elliot put my worries at ease, saying that anytime with me was precious and that he didn't care what we did.

I had driven to the local arcade, the guys had told me Elliot was competitive when it came to games, so I thought this place would be suitable.

Elliot grinned at me, "Baby, this is perfect."

I beamed up at him, happy to hear his praise and it made any doubts fly out the window.

We spent hours there. Firstly we changed up coins for the 2p machines and then bought tickets for all the arcade games as well. Elliot won me several stuffed toys from the machines, that I would treasure forever. We spent at least an hour on the 2p coin machines, and then at least another hour playing air hockey, Elliot's favourite game. It was close but he was better than me and beat me to ten easily.

We then played mini bowling before entering the photo booths, we took two lots, one of us pulling cheesy photos and another where we were practically sucking each other's faces off.

We drove home to mine afterwards, where I cooked him a lasagne, his favourite meal and also mine.

After tea we watched some movies before I excused myself to dress up in the little outfit I had bought to surprise him with.

I had bought it when I went shopping with Brooke the week before and was nervous to say the least. They closest I had come to showing my body off to him was when we had first made love after I had worn the red baby doll. I had sexy underwear sure but nothing else similar to Elliot's favourite, the red baby doll.

Brooke had assured me he would like it but I wasn't sure, I hadn't ever instigated anything sexual between us and though I shouldn't be nervous I was.

I applied the dark makeup first and brushed through my hair, styling it up into a scruffy bun, letting strands trail around my face, that was Brooke's idea. I knew it wouldn't stay up though, Elliot loved it when I wore it down, he loved to tangle his hand in it, not when he made love to me but when he fucked me.

There was most definitely a difference.

I slid on the stockings and the garters and then slipped on the black lacy outfit and attached it all up. It was extremely revealing, even more so than the red baby doll that only enhanced my body...this one showed it off.

I grabbed the cover up that came with it and slipped it on, tying up the ribbon in a large bow. I took deep breaths, I wanted this, I could do this.

I had to do this now otherwise I know Elliot would come looking for me, the end of the second film would probably have finished by now.

I took a final deep breath and entered out into my hallway.

He must have heard me coming because he called out to me, "Faye baby, you ok? I was then about to come look for...fuck."

He stopped as he watched me enter the room.

I bit my lip, hard, watching nervously as he took me in.

"Come here." He practically growled out.

I slowly made my way over. I knew he liked it, his eyes were filled with lust and desire.

He pulled me sharply to straddle his lap, his eyes on mine as he pulled my lip from between my teeth.

"Don't do that," He spoke gruffly.

"Fucking hell baby that's not what I was expecting, I'm trying my hardest to stay in control right now but damn you make it hard, you're so fucking gorgeous."

I blushed and he cursed, averting his eyes from me briefly.

He turned back and I knew by the look on his face there was going to be no tender gentle loving tonight.

"First," he slid his fingers into my hair, pulling the tie free and letting my hair fall around my shoulders.

"The hair stays down, second..." he looked up at me, "Can I unwrap you baby?" He gestures to the bow on my cover up.

I nodded shyly yet eagerly.

He pulled the bow free letting the slip fall down onto the floor.

I gulped as his eyes blackened, his fingers tightening on my hips as he placed them there.

"Faye...I'm trying real hard here baby but you make it hard to stay in control, I don't want to do anything you're uncomfortable with."

I smiled, my nerves fleeing.

"I trust you Elliot, you won't do anything I don't like, and...and I don't want you to stay in control, besides, today is for you, you can do whatever you want with me," I shyly admitted, I loved seeing him lose his control, and he still always took such good care of me at the same time.

He looked surprised for a second before he smirked wickedly, "Baby you don't know what you've just let yourself in for, you really don't."

With that statement he proceeded to spend hours showing me exactly what I had let myself in for.


Sorry for the shitty and incredibly late chapter, but I'm working on planning the rest of the story, there isn't really much of it left but I've for some things I want to do first.

Hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas and will have a fantastic new year!

Thanks for reading! <3

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