Chapter Eighteen

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Faye's P.O.V

Thankfully the guys were all busy when I got downstairs a little after lunch finished so I busied myself slowly behind the desk, not really concentrating but trying to at the same time.

An hour had passed and I still hadn't seen the guys.

Rory and Asher were due to finish soon and had another appointment almost straight after. They really were busy today.

Noah was due to finish in about half an hour and Elliot in another hour.

While there was nothing to do I sat there lost in my thoughts thinking about a few years ago when I had my bad breakup with Sam.

Nick and Sam had always been good friends and they had always been good to me so I didn't doubt that when I ended things with Sam that Nick wasn't going to do the same. Too bad I was wrong. I shook my head at myself...I was so stupid back then.


I snapped out of it to see Asher waving his hand in front of me and I noticed he was waiting with a customer.


"I'm so sorry, erm I'll get your stuff," I apologised quietly, quickly reaching under the desk for the customers things and handing them to Asher.

He shook his head at me curiously before leading the customer through.

"Faye come on get with it, what's up with you today?" Rory asked and my lip trembled as I heard the disappointment and annoyance in his tone.

Rory's customer came through and I quickly handed Rory his things.

I was then hurriedly checking off the book when Rory slammed the paperwork on the desk.

"Wrong files Faye! Pull it together!" He snapped and I tried to hold back the tears that threatened to escape at being shouted at while I was in this state.

I mumbled an apology before shakily handing him the correct files and putting the wrong ones away.

"Concentrate next time!" He demanded before leading the customer through.

I sighed tiredly, running a hand through my hair. I didn't like seeing Rory and Asher annoyed at me.

Maybe I should tell them what's going on, they all had a good half hour break together soon when Asher and Rory finished with their new customers.

I slumped against the stool feeling sorry for myself. Come on Faye, pull it together.

Nearly half an hour had passed and I was concentrating a bit better trying to find things to keep me busy.

I jumped as I heard a sudden shout of pain come through from one of the customers being tattooed and my hand slipped and knocked my cup of juice flying all over the floor.

"Shit!" I cursed before I sighed, looking at the broken glass and puddle of juice.

I slowly slid down the side of the desk resting my head in my hands. Could anything else go wrong for me?

I didn't even realise I was crying until I felt the tears hit my knees through my hands.

"Faye? What was th-," the voice trailed off and I recognised it as Noah, "Fuck what happened?"

I couldn't reply and buried my head deeper into my knees.

"Faye?" The voice was gentler now, "Sweetheart what's wrong? What's going on with you?" I felt a presence beside me and I tried to hold in my sobs.

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