Chapter Four

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(Rory above...isn't he gorgeous?)

Faye's P.O.V

I looked down at my skirt and bare legs and bit my lip, I hoped Elliot liked what I was wearing.

The doorbell rang at five to eight. He was early. I quickly grabbed my little black bag and made my way to the door.

"Hi," I mumbled shyly as I opened the door and my eyes widened as I took in Elliot standing there looking mouthwateringly sexy.

He had on some tight black jeans with his biker style boots along with a tight grey shirt with writing on that hugged his muscular figure and showed off part of his chest.

My eyes raked over his body, lingering on his exposed tattooed chest and bulging arms as he wasn't wearing a jacket.

"You look stunning," He smiled at me, his eyes looking me up and down before coming forwards and holding a hand out, "Shall we go?"

I nodded, locking the door and following him to his truck where he lifted me in.

The drive to the little club was silent and when we arrived Elliot commented that we were first to get there.

"Come on Faye, drinks are on me," He lead me through the front door, holding my hand tightly, nodding to the bouncer who smiled back at him. He obviously knew him through work as the bouncer was covered in tattoos.

Inside it was surprisingly a big space. There was a bar at the back with booths all around the outside. There was a large dance floor in the middle that was full of people and Elliot expertly weaved us through everyone towards the bar.

He sat up on one of the bar stools and I gasped as he lifted me up and sat me down on his knee, holding me around my waist with one of his large hands, the other resting on my bare thigh sending tingles throughout my body.

I blushed as I turned to smile at him, I liked being close to him and I rested one of my own hands on his jean covered thigh.

He kissed my ear before waving down a bartender, "What do you want beautiful?" He asked.

"Can I have a Smirnoff?" I asked and he nodded before ordering himself a pint of beer that would keep him under the limit for driving.

He took my hand and guided me over to a booth and again he pulled me onto his lap and I stared into his dark eyes as he traced my thigh with his fingers.

"Elliot?" I breathed as I sipped my drink.

"Yes sweetheart?" He asked, trailing open kisses on my bare shoulder as I'd slipped off my jacket.

"What are you doing?" I gasped arching my back into him.

"Kissing your shoulders," He teased and I blushed as he moved to my neck.

"Mmm," I sighed, gripping his thigh.

"This looks steamy," I jumped as Asher and Rory approached the booth both smirking as they stared at us.

"You look even more gorgeous than usual," Asher flirted with me and I winked at him, "And you look incredibly handsome Asher."

He chuckled before telling Rory to get him a beer.

"Did you drive Ash?" Elliot asked and he shook his head, "Nah we got a taxi so we could drink."

"Hey guys," Brooke and Noah walked over hand in hand and I grinned at Brooke, she looked stunning in a little black dress and boots with her hair neatly plaited down her back.

We sat drinking and chatting for a couple of hours and I was starting to get a little tipsy along with Brooke while everyone else apart from Asher were still sober.

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