Chapter Twenty-One

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Faye's P.O.V

"Faye baby, wake up."

I groaned, shifting and then winced at how sore I was down below. I hadn't ever been taken like Elliot had taken me last night and although I enjoyed it so much I was paying for it this morning.

I sat up, wincing once more before giving up and collapsing back on Elliot's chest again.

He wrapped his arms around me, "Baby, I'm sorry," Elliot cooed, seeming genuinely concerned.

"It's ok," I told him with a smile.

"No it's not, I was far too rough, you're not used to it and now I've hurt you," He planted a kiss on my lips, guilt coating his face.

"It'll fade soon, and I don't regret it Elliot, I loved it."

"Oh I know you did baby," He smiled back, kissing my lips again, "But I still should have had more control, you're only small."

I blushed, hiding my face into his chest.

"The reason I woke you baby, I have something I've been meaning to ask you for a little while now, and I was going to do it last night but we got a bit carried away," His tone suddenly went serious, apart from his sly wink at the end.

I looked up at him in confusion, wondering what it could be he wanted to ask me.

"Baby, we've been together for a while now and I love spending every minute that we are together with you so I've been wanting to ask you this for a while...move in with me Faye. Move into my home and then we can spend every morning like this, waking up beside each other, going to sleep beside each other every night, eating every meal together, every day."

I processed his words before I beamed, sitting up sharply, only to wince slightly in discomfort but I ignored it.

"Eli, I would love to move in with you, it sounds perfect," I forced myself to contain my excitement, "Are you sure you want me here, with you twenty-four seven?"

"Baby I can't think of anything fucking better," He smiled.

"Then I would love to...but what would I do with me house?" I asked curiously, I didn't know what to do with it. It was my first ever home by myself and I was attached to it for that reason alone, I spent every penny of my savings and money my parents paid me to leave them alone while they travelled the world on my sweet little house and my car.

My parents were rich but money was nothing if you were all alone, I begrudged paying for the house with all of their money that they left me but I couldn't stay there any longer, and I didn't regret it, I haven't heard from them at all, I doubt they have even noticed I'm not there anymore.

Elliot sighed, "Well baby, you could sell it on, or keep it going, maybe you could rent it out to someone and then that way you don't have to let it go, we could get an estate agent round to value it for you, I'm happy to help you do it up a bit if you want to."

I mulled it over, "Ok, that sounds like a good plan."

He smiled, "Good, we have nothing to rush for beautiful, take as long as you need, I'd say we could move into yours but my place is bigger, it would make more sense."

"No I agree, especially if..."

He raised an eyebrow as I stopped talking, "Especially if what?"

"Well I...I know we haven't talked about it at all but I would like a family one day so I agree that your place would be best, and I like it here," I blushed as I spoke to him.

It was so easy to be honest with Elliot, I just hoped he wanted one too. I wanted to do better than my parents at raising their children.

"That's if, I mean if you..." I trailed off trying to get the courage to ask if he wanted children in the future.

"Faye baby shut up," I looked up at him to see a big smile on his face and he started to chuckle.

I blushed, "I just-"

"Shh," He placed a finger against my lips and sat up, hovering over me.

"Baby I would be honoured to start a family with you in the future. I can't say I'm ready now and I know you aren't either but of course I would love to have a family with you one day - you're my future, baby."

He sealed the sentence with a searing kiss and the whole thing made my eyes water, "I love you Elliot."

"I love you too baby-girl, now I think I should get you into a nice warm bath hmm."


The following weeks flew by quickly, work was great, Elliot was great, my friends were great. Everything was perfect.

The week after Elliot asked me to live with him, I rang up an estate agents to get them to come and value my home.

It was surprisingly well valued and the man that came round said that I would have no trouble renting it out to someone locally.

He put it up in the shop in town notifying people it would be available for rent somewhere near in the future so I didn't have to rush to move out.

Elliot helped me spruce the place up a little so it would be even more desirable and Brooke spent most of her evenings with me helping me pack up my things into boxes.

Now, three weeks later I was loading up things into my little car and Elliot into his truck. Noah and Brooke were helping as well, Noah driving a rented van for the bigger furniture which he and Elliot lifted.

Rory and Asher were meeting us at Elliot's place, or our place I should call it now.

A bit of furniture was staying, my sofas, dining room table, bed and such as I didn't need them at Elliot's, but most of my other things were coming.

It took us a few trips but soon we were crashed out on the sofas at our place. Pizza was on order and a film was on but no one was really watching it.

I still had to unpack all my clothes and other items but that would have too wait until tomorrow now.

My old home was having a couple around mine and Elliot's age move in next week and they were interested in staying long term so I was happy about that, it meant I didn't need to worry about it.

I was excited for this new chapter of my life.

"So Elliot," Asher brought me out of my thoughts, "When do I get to move in huh? I wouldn't mind rooming with Faye."


Another boring chapter, sorry guys. I will have to come and change it at some point as I'm not happy with how it ended.

Anyone care to guess wha they think is left to happen in the story? Any more drama? :)

I'm interested to know what you all think.

Thanks for reading!<3

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