Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Faye's P.O.V

The following week was busy. The guys had left afternoons free from customers to enable them to work on the photos and they had enlisted my help.

Brooke was planning on helping when and where she could, during lunch and after the candle shop closed too.

It was going to be fun and after thinking about the whole thing long and hard I decided to just let go and enjoy the whole experience.

Me and Brooke took photos of the guys individually first. Noah had the most tattoos and then came Asher who although was the youngest was also heavily tattooed and had no trouble stripping naked for full body photos, obviously keeping his more private body parts covered.

The guys had plenty of props and materials for that particular purpose.

My favourite was watching my Elliot be photographed. I got to stare at his gorgeous body for around forty five minutes as the guys took photos of him and his ink.

He looked so good I had to keep checking my mouth for drool, which was a little embarrassing. Especially when he took of his underwear to get the full extent of his thigh tattoo. He covered up himself with a sheet but still, my mouth had gone completely dry.

"Faye baby it's your turn," Elliot called me over a short while later and I took a deep breath.

Brooke took charge of the camera, encouraging me to get over to Elliot who unfortunately had slipped his underwear back on.

We spent ages having our photos taken. It wasn't as bad or as hard as I had thought it might be. I actually enjoyed it and forgot about the camera, getting lost in Elliot either instructing me into different poses or actually posing together with him. The entire time I focused all of my attention on him and only him.

Because I only had the one tattoo it didn't take too long but they still wanted photos in a variety of angles.

My favourite bit was posing together with Elliot. For one shot he had persuaded me to slip out of my underwear too and he had used his hands to cover my more intimate parts. I was glad I had done it because it did enable Brooke to get the full extent of my tattoo. My face had been hidden anyway, buried into my boyfriends chest.

By the end of the session I actually couldn't wait to find out how the photos turned out, but it would take a while to get them sorted out unfortunately.

"I think I got some pretty amazing shots of the two of you, you were both awesome," Brooke grinned making me smile.

"I can't wait to see them," I grinned back and Elliot smiled down at me.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it baby, I told you that you had absolutely nothing to worry about," He spoke up before landing a gentle kiss on the top of my head.

An hour later after we all took part in the clean up, me and Elliot headed home, picking up some Chinese food, our favourite, on the way.

It was getting late but we stayed up even later watching films and eating food. I loved being able to spend all the time in the world with my amazing boyfriend.

"You know it's my birthday soon Elliot?" I spoke up randomly during one of the movies we watched.

"Really beautiful? My baby's gonna be twenty-one then huh?" He grinned down at me and I laughed.

"Yeah I am, I was hoping I could spend the day with you," I asked him shyly, there was no other person I would rather spend my birthday with. I mean I loved my friends but Elliot was my world.

"Aww baby, of course, I promise to try and make it the best birthday ever, I'll book the day off work just for you," Elliot followed up his words with a kiss making me smile.

I was really looking forward to it now.

Simply being with Elliot I knew it was going to be the best birthday I have ever had.


A very overdue update, I know it's short but I already have the next chapter written so that will be posted shortly :)

As usual, thanks for reading! <3

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