Chapter Fifteen

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Faye's P.O.V

"Good morning beautiful."

I groaned as I buried my face into Elliot's bare chest and snuggled into him deeper.

He chuckled and I felt his fingers moving my hair away from my face.

"Wake up baby, we're going into town today."

"Into town? Why?" I asked, curiously glancing up at him.

"Well for one there's this new sweet shop that opened last week near the coffee shop and I want to take you there after I take you out for breakfast, the best cure for after a night out drinking...fresh air, good food and sweets," He smirked down at me, "Is someone feeling a little tender this morning?"

I nodded with a pout as I went to sit up only to realise I was only in my little lace panties and nothing else.

I blushed heavily and Elliot smirked at me.

"We didn't...?" I trailed off.

"No baby, trust me, if we had made love last night you would definitely be feeling it this morning between your gorgeous creamy legs," He grinned wickedly, "Though I did have a hard time keeping you off me, you couldn't get enough of my body last night."

I blushed harder, groaning as I buried my face in my hands.

He laughed and I felt the bed shift and soon I was in his arms heading towards his bathroom.

"I didn't mind beautiful, I most certainly didn't mind," He winked as he slid my panties off me and guided me into his shower.


We walked hand in hand into a small hidden diner in town. I had never been but Elliot said the food was fantastic.

We were welcomed in by a lovely elderly lady who showed us to a corner booth.

We ordered their special 'breakfast for two' wondering what it could be as there was no description but the lady smiled in delight as we ordered so it must be good.

She came a short while later with mugs of tea and a glass of juice each before she returned with a tray full of food.

There was bacon, sausage, egg, waffles, hashbrowns, beans and fried tomatoes piled on one centre plate. On one side plate was toast and then on another was pancakes and fruit and my stomach grumbled at the sight. It was more of a breakfast for five.

"Thank you, it looks great," Elliot thanked the lady as did I before we picked up our knives and forks and dug in.

We stayed for an hour, fulling our faces as much as we could until our bellies were stuffed, Elliot managing to eat far more than me but I tried some of everything and it was all deliious.

We wandered town for a couple of hours, my belly far too full to even stomach looking at sweets. It was fun though, I found loads of appealing shops that we browsed through.

We made it to the sweet shop soon after that and the bright red sign of 'Penelope's Sweets & Treats' shone above the quaint looking store.

Once inside my eyes lit up at the multiple jars of sweets piled high up to the ceiling.

"Pick what you want beautiful, my treat." I beamed at Elliot before eagerly skipping off to the back of the store.

I could hear his chuckle as he too wandered off in search for something he liked.

I was stuck for choice as I stared at countless treats that took my fancy.

I went up to the pretty girl who stood behind the counter.

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