Chapter 58: Leave and Come

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Ryland's POV

After grabbing a hoodie from my bedroom, I make my way back down to the family room where I left Alana. I am surprised to see Riker standing in the doorway; jaw dropped. Peeking my head around the corner, I see what it is that has him so surprised.
Blood boils in my veins as I see my brother kissing my girlfriend. After everything we've been through today, Rocky has the nerve to do this?
I move to stop them, but Rocky takes action first.
"What the hell was that?" he cries; pushing her off of him. "You're dating my brother!"
"Yeah, so?"
"So how do you think he would feel if he knew you just did that?" Rocky screams. "You need to leave."
"Ryland would be proud of me that I finally upgraded," she smirks.
Taking a step forward; Alana moves to kiss Rocky again.
"You need to stop," he orders. "I want you out?"
"Just out of curiosity, how much money would I get by marrying into the Lynch family? Do you have anything left since you have no parents and now no band?"
"What the actual hell is wrong with you?" Riker cries as he enters the kitchen. "Have all these months with Ryland meant nothing to you?"
"They made me realize that I can do a whole lot better than a boy band wanna be. I want the real thing."
"Well feel free to go find one, cause we're over," I pipe up; finally finding my voice.
Alana's face drops as she watches me enter.
"How much of that did you see?" she questions softly.
"All of it," I snap. "And I know now that I've wasted enough time on you. Get out."
"Ryland," she pleads. "Just listen-"
"No, I'm done listening to you. I want you to leave. Now."
Tears well in her eyes, but she does as she is told.


Ellington's POV

Marriya and I sit in Ross' room as he plays the guitar. I bang lightly on the bongos in harmony to Ross' song, and we sing together.
"Guys, quiet," Marriya interrupts suddenly.
As our music comes to an abrupt stop, I am able to hear the reason she wanted us to. Ryland sobbing.
Assuming it is because of Rydel, the three of us are in no rush to get to him.
The look on Riker's face as he watches Ryland cry into Rocky's chest immediately alerts me that something just happened.
"What's wrong?" Marriya asks.
"Alana tried to make out with Rocky and Ryland walked in on it," Riker replies.
"What's wrong with her?" Ross asks.
"Then she asked how much money she would get by marrying into the family. She's sick."
"What a bitch," I murmur.
"You're right about that," Ryland says; wiping his tears as he pulls away from Rocky. "I honestly hate Alana so much."
"Honestly, I don't even see how she keeps all her personalities straight. One second she's all nice to Marriya and totally in love with Ryland, then she is trying to hook up with Rocky, then she's asking how much money she would get by marrying into the family!" Riker cries, his face distorted in disgust.
"She has so many faces, I'm running out of fingers," Ross agrees.
"I have a finger you can use," Marriya offers. "But it isn't a nice one."
Laughing, Ryland adds, "I wasn't born with enough middle fingers to really let her know how I feel about her."
"Well screw her," Rocky cheers. "Let's play a game."
All six of us file into the family room; forming a circle on the floor.
"Okay, Ryland, truth or dare?" Riker questions.
"Uh, dare," he decides after a moment of contemplation.
"Lick Ross' foot," Riker decides. "The bottom of it."
Without hesitation, Ross kicks off his converse and strips away his sock. He holds his foot up to Ryland's face, and I gag as I watch Ryland drag his tongue along the bottom of it.
"Okay, Ry, you choose now."
"Rocky, truth or dare?"
"Dare!" he cheers.
"Go twerk on the lawn."
"Hell yes!" Rocky grins.
Running out onto the front lawn, Rocky pulls his shirt off and begins to dance. He yells and whoops, attracting the attention of anyone in a ten meter radius. Before Rocky stops, I manage to upload it to Snapchat.
"Okay," Rocky runs in; out of breath. "Ross."
"Truth," Ross decides.
"Hmm," he pauses; an evil smirk shaping his lips. "Have you and Marriya done the nasty?"
In unison; both of their faces flush red.
"Well?" I demand; glaring at Ross.
"No!" he cries. "We haven't!"
"Well what are you waiting for?"
"That's enough!" I interrupt. "Ross, choose!"
"Ellington, truth or dare?"
My next comment is interrupted by a loud knock on the door.
Ross stands and moves towards it, and I follow close behind
"Hey," a guy says. "Is this the Lynch house?"
He's about six feet tall, has brilliant blue eyes, and long black hair.
"Yes it is, can I help you?"
"I'm looking for Marriya," he replies. "I was at the Ratliff house but no one was home, so I assumed she might be here."
My heart drops as I realize who this is.
"You must be Kayden," I growl.
"Yeah, I am, and you guys are?"
"I'm Ross, and this is Ellington," Ross relies curtly.
"Ah, the brother and the boyfriend. It's nice to finally put some faces to the names."
"Okay, you can cut the shit, Kayden. What is it that you want?" I demand.
"I heard about her parents not too long ago, and I just got the news about Rydel. I wanted to be here for her."
"You haven't been there for her in 8 years, why change that now?" I spit.
"I was her brother for 16 years, and you've known her for less than one. Step off."
"Are we forgetting about the fact that you abused her for the last 8 of them?" Ross asks; aghast.
"Angela told a lot of lies. She made me believe that Marriya was the reason my dad left us. Marriya and I made peace the last time I saw her, and I would appreciate it if someone let me see my sister."
"She's not your sister," Ross growls. "Now get the fuck out of here before I make you regret it."
"Ross? Ratliff?" Marriya calls out. "Who is it?"
Before I can come up with a diversion in order to get Kayden out, her head pokes around the corner.
"Kayden!" she shrieks. "What are you doing here?"
Pushing through the barrier Ross and I attempted to create, Marriya pulls her old brother into a hug.
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" Marriya asks; leading Kayden into the house.
"I wanted it to be a surprise," he explains.
"I thought surprises were supposed to be good things," Ross grumbles.
Rocky, Riker, and Ryland's faces drop in unison as they catch sight of Kayden.
Balling his fists; Rocky stands. Before he can make a move, he is pulled back into the couch by his brothers. They may be restraining him physically, but Kayden should drop dead purely from the hate in the glare he is receiving.
"What are you doing here?" Riker questions in an attempt to be polite.
"I took the last few days of my semester break to come see Marriya. After everything that's happened, I thought she could use a friendly face," he explains.
"How long are you staying?" I ask.
"I fly home tomorrow morning."
I breathe a sigh of relief, knowing he won't have much of a chance to screw up Marriya's life again before he leaves.


Marriya's POV

Kayden and I have spent the last few hours together, talking well into the night. We now sit on the front steps of my house; watching the first streaks of sun enter the sky.
"Marriya, I want you to come back to Toronto with me," he says abruptly.
"What, why?" I ask.
"I miss you, Mar, and I'm not the only one."
"I'm sorry, Kay, but I have a new life here. I'm happy here."
"You've never wanted more for yourself?" he questions.
"I have everything that I need right here."
"You need a proper family," he states. "Angela will take you back, and you can see the twins again.
My heart aches as Becca and Riley's faces enter my mind. It's been so long since I've seen them. Maybe I could just go back for a little while. Just a month or two. That couldn't hurt.
"No," I say aloud. "I can't go back to that."
"You deserve the world, Marriya, " Kayden insists. "And I don't think you're getting that here."
"Yeah, well I don't want to live in a world without Ross," I reply. "Ellington either, or really any of the boys for that matter. I'm sorry, but I have to stay."
"I understand," he replies. "But if you change your mind, you know where to reach me."
"Don't wait so long to come see me again," I smile.
"I wouldn't dream of it," he replies.
After a long hug, Kayden leaves. I don't feel sad watching him go, more like I'm finally at peace with that chapter of my life and ready to move on to the next one.


Hey guys! So I hoped you liked this chapter!

I'm going to be really honest with you guys and say that I'm considering ending the story. I'm getting less reads and votes, and a lot more hate messages. I'm not saying I am for sure, but I am strongly considering it. I will let you guys know.

All the love. Always.
~ Hannah xxx

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