Chapter 13

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Hi babes,

A bit of a late update sorry. 

Important: I'm going to Egypt in 4 days and stay for 9 days so I won't be able to update I'll try to Write an extra chapter in these 4 days, but I don't promise anything.

Hope you enjoy this chapter :)

xoxo C.


Harry's pov

I slowly flutter my eyes open groaning in my pain. My head feels like I've been hit by a truck... "Goodmorning Hazza," Louis says a bit too loud for my liking. "Morning Lou can you please not talk so loud." I hear him giggle softly beside me. "You had so much to drink. Didn't expect you to be the horny drunk type of guy..."

I sit up looking at him worriedly. "We um.. didn't do anything right?" He rolls his eyes slightly at my worried reaction. "No harry, we didn't so anything." I look down fiddling with the blankets. "Sorry.. Just wanted to know," he sighs and gets off the bed. "I know but instead of a cuddle or good morning kiss you always freak out over stupid things like this and it's becoming really annoying." He walks out of the room with an irritated expression plastered on his face.

I'm such a fuck-up I deserve every single cut and scar on my body. But instead of apologizing I get up so I can go to my own apartment. "Bye, Lou." I kiss his temple and make my way towards the door.

"Okay what the fuck is wrong with you!?" I turn around quickly to see Louis standing with his arms crossed over his chest looking rather angry.

I gulp feeling blinking away the few tears that are threatening to fall. He thinks I'm a freak... "W-what do you mean?" My voice comes out shaky and is barely above a whisper. "I mean why did you started screaming and sobbing when I wanted to pull off your jeans so you would be more comfortable. And why do you never want to do anything. Am I not good enough? Well, guess what styles if you're just using me you can fuck off." I stay silent for a while not knowing what to say. A few tears escape and roll down my cheek.

"I'm not using you, Louis, I-I love you! and I'm really fucking sorry for being such a freak." And with that I walk out of his apartment tears making their way down my cheeks quickly.

When I stand in front of my apartment I realize I left my keys at Louis' and I really don't want to go back there right now. I let out a deep sigh and decide to go for a walk so I can think. I lost him and I miss him already...

I arrive at the park luckily there aren't a lot of people so I don't have to worry about that. All I can think about is how I fucked up my only chance on happiness.

About an hour later I decide to go home and break into my own apartment or something but someone calling my name stops me. "Harry!?" I kinda recognize the voice but just can't place who it belongs to. I spin on my heels gasping when I see him and tears start to form again. "M-mathew..."

Louis' pov

I stare at the closed door jaw dropped slightly. "He loves me.." I feel guilt rushing trough me I yelled at him Just because he doesn't want me to see him pantsless. I groan and mentally slap myself for being so stupid. after a while I decide to go to him. I grab my jacket and my keys seeing Harry's keys lying next to mine and grab them too.

I walk to the park knowing Harry goes there when he wants to think. I have no idea where in the park he is so it takes me a while to find him. But when I do find him and I'm about to call his name someone else does it. "Harry!?"

What the fuck? I see the guy running toward Harry wrapping his arms around him tightly. after a while he pulls back. And it looks like they're both crying but then out of nowhere the guy leans in and kisses Harry, MY Harry. One hand on his hip and the other placed on his cheek.

He's fucking cheating on me!? I turn around and run away not really enjoying the sight of my boyfriend cheating on me. 

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