Chapter 27

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Hi, babes :)

Late update I know but pretty sure you guys are used to it by now.


enjoy the chapter.

xoxo C.


Harry's pov

I read the letter over and over. Tears landing on the paper, and my hand covering my mouth to muffle my sobs.

I want to go home... I want to tell him that I love him more than anything...

Suddenly I hear footsteps coming closer. I quickly hide the letter behind a piece of wallpaper that's starting to fall off. Just when I'm sitting down again the door opens revealing a drunk Matthew and a hopefully sober Kian.

The first thing Matt notices is that I didn't touch any of the blades. He comes closer to me a furious look on his face. "Do you not realise how worthless you are!?" He grabs me by my hair slamming my head against the floor. I try to get up, but I know it's no use...

He grabs one of the blades, gripping my arm tightly and presses the blade down. My skin breaks and thick drops of blood roll down my arm. He continues his actions a few times before starting to kick me.

I just lay on the floor trying to protect my face. When he's done Kian drags me to the basement carefully stripping me from my clothes. He's probably the nicest person here.He never really did anything to me.

"I'm sorry Harry." I just shrug and let him chain me up. The chains around my ankles are attached to the floor and the chains around my wrists are attached to the ceiling. My toes can barely touch the concrete...

I hang my head low waiting till the hour is over and they'll just chain me to the wall, where I can sit. But this time I wait and wait but no one comes to remove the chain around my wrists.


Louis pov (tiny time skip sorry)

It's been 3 days since I gave the letter to Harry. I told Liam, Zayn and Niall about seeing Harry again and this time they luckily believed me with a little backup from Chloe.

I'm sitting in front of my window a warm blanket wrapped around me and a steaming cup of tea in my hands. I know he won't come back that easily, but I can still hope.

I let my mind drift to the many moments where I was sitting here with Harry. Cuddled close and just looking at the sky. He would always fall asleep and let me carry him to bed.

A small smile plays on my lips. Hopefully, that will soon be reality again. I look up when I hear someone enter my room. "Hi, Lou." I walk over to him wrapping my arms and blanket around him.

"Hi, Li..." He sighs deeply. "Sorry, I was such an idiot the whole time." I step away a little so I can look at him. "It's okay, trust me. Everyone deals with this on their own way." We suddenly both burst out in laughter for no reason at all. "I missed you Lili."


It's around 9 PM and the 3 of us are watching a movie. Chloe and Niall both left about an hour ago. We're all laughing and just having a nice time for a change.

"Lou I think we should head home too." I'm about to reply when I hear my phone buzz. I Immediately open the text I received.

Unknown: I love you too Louis... Meet me at 'the alley' tomorrow at 5 x H. p.s. don't reply Matt can't find out about this.

I gasp and stare at my phone screen with wide eyes. Liam grabs the phone from my shaky hands and reads it out loud so Zayn can hear it too.

"L-lou..." Liam looks up at me with watery eyes. "We're going to get him back..."


It's 4 PM, only one hour to go. I'm already at the alley and Liam is close by in his car in case something goes wrong.

I keep checking the time every minute, sighing in disappointment every time I see only 60 seconds past since the last time I checked.

I want to know how he'll react when we're finally together again, What if he doesn't even wants to be my boyfriend? I'd be fine with being just friends as long as he's okay tho.

What is he isn't okay!? The last time I saw him he had bruises on his face was extremely thin and basically passed out.

My body is filled with anxiety, going over everything that could go wrong.

I run my hand through my already messy hair and check the time again. 4:55 I feel myself starting to shake again. 5minutes. 5 fucking minutes till I see him.

4 minutes till I can hold him.

3 minutes till I can kiss him

2 minutes till I can tell him how much I love him.

1 minute.

I need to concentrate on breathing. I hear people walking and whispering when I see a figure entering the alley. That's not Harry.

Two other guys follow him dragging a body. My heart is beating so fast I might pass out and everything in me is screaming to run, but all I can do is stare at them with wide eyes.

The guy finally looks up smirking at me. Matthew!? "Here's your little boy toy." The two guys toss the body at my feet before walking away with Matthew.

No no no no. Please tell me this isn't Harry. I drop to my knees carefully rolling the body on his back. A gasp leaves my lips and tears follow immediately.

"No! Harry, please wake up baby."


Don't hate me, please.


I apologize for any errors. *monkey emoji*

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