Chapter 10

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Wow, I actually updated after a week *pats myself on the back*


Louis' pov 

I look at the door with a frown. "What just happened?" Niall asks just as confused as I am. I clear my throat "Could you guys leave me alone for a bit? It's just-" Zayn cuts me off "Don't worry we get it."

When they're gone I dial Harry's number. I get sent to voicemail almost immediately and he doesn't reply to my texts either. A deep sigh slips past my lips. What did I do wrong? And why does his thigh hurt? 

I know there's something wrong. He doesn't change in front of anyone his thighs hurt and his movements look almost rehearsed. 

Maybe he's just really insecure or something. Not that I get why, he's so beautiful... It would explain why he skips meals sometimes. 

When I still haven't heard anything of him an hour later I decide to go to his apartment he recently moved to the same building so it only takes me 2 minutes to stand in front of his door. 

I knock a few times and wait a minute passes so I knock again. Nothing. "Harry I know you're here, please just open the door." I rest my head against the wall and make a frustrated sound. "Haz, please..." 

I don't even hear someone walking, but I see Light coming from under the door so I know he's home. I knock again, but he still doesn't answer an uneasy feeling settles in my stomach. What if he's hurt? "Tell me to leave and I will I just need to know if you're okay."   

I quickly dial Liam's number. "Louis?" 

"Yeah hi. I'm standing in front of Harry's apartment, but he isn't answering me." Liam sighs "Maybe he's just sleeping or something." 

"He's a light sleeper he would have woken up by now I'm knocking pretty loud and called him a million times already." 

"fine fine, I'm coming just calm down I bet he's perfectly fine." 

I roll my eyes. Yeah, perfectly fine that's why he rushed out of my apartment. "Just hurry, please." 

A few minutes later Liam was standing in front of me looking slightly irritated. "What do you want me to do?" I shrug "I don't know just break the door open or something!" 

"What if he's not even home or sleeping or even listening to music I don't think he'll be very happy if we break his door." I sigh in frustration. "Just please do something I need to know if he's okay." 

"What am I supposed to do!? I don't know a lot about breaking into someone's house." Oh wow, that really helped thanks, Liam. 

We just stand in front of his door for a while not knowing what to do. "I'm gonna call Zayn." Liam just rolls his eyes and nods. 

"Zayn how do you open a locked door?" I hear him chuckle confused "With a key..." 

"No I mean like when you don't have a key." It's quiet for a short moment but then I hear his voice again. "Just use a credit card put it into the side of the door angle the card downwards so it's behind the lock and then slowly pull it towards you while turning the handle.  don't involve me if you get caught by the police." How the fuck does he know that..? 

"thanks." I quickly hang up and grab my wallet pulling out my credit card. After trying multiple times, the door finally opens. Liam and I walk inside as quiet as possible. 

I turn around slowly and gasp when I see him. He's lying on the floor looking extremely pale. 

I'm at his side in a second carefully pulling him in my lap. "Haz baby wake up." I shake him slightly trying to wake him up "Harry, please..." 

Liam is kneeling beside us looking shocked. I look at him worry clear on my face. Just when I'm about to call an ambulance I hear a soft groan. "Lou..?" 

My eyes snap towards him smiling relieved. "Yeah I'm here it's okay." I help him on the couch giving him some water ignoring the fact Zayn is spamming me with texts. "What happened." He looks at me blinking a few timed before finally drinking the water I gave him and answering my question still sounding really tired "Pannick attack..." I sigh holding him in my arms. "Can I do something for you?" He shakes his head "No just.. stay please?" 

I smile at him "Of course." And that's what I do. After Liam leaves, I help him get to bed and he falls asleep, safe in my arms.

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