Chapter 26

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Hi babes :)


Enjoy the chapter! 

xoxo C.


Louis' pov (duh)

Feelings and thoughts are carefully written down on an old piece of writing paper. A teardrop falls on one of the words making the ink smudged.

I don't even know what to write... I want to write everything I feel, want to write how much I need him but I don't even know how to put that into words.

The phone rings again, but I ignore it. It's probably Liam and I really don't want to hear another speech on how Harry's dead and I need to forget about him.

My plan is far from perfect, but it's the only thing I can come up with. Zayn tried it before... buying drugs in the hope to see Harry. He didn't get it, but maybe they let Harry deliver the drugs if they know it's me. To mentally torture me or something.

Anyway if Harry is there I'll give him a letter because I know he'll run so I can't talk to him, but hopefully the letter will convince him to come home.

There's a knock on my door. I sigh deeply and get up slowly opening the door revealing Chloe?

"What are you doing here?" she just shrugs. "I got fired because I wasn't focussing on my job since well.. you know... So I decided to come here and see you since I'm a little worried about you."

I smile at her, I don't know her that well we've only met a few times and talked when she and Harry would skype. "Chloe... I um I think Harry is still alive? please don't say I'm crazy."

She looks at me completely shocked. "what the actual fuck are you talking about?"

I step aside so she can come in and gesture to the couch. When we're both seated with a cup of tea in our hands I start to tell her everything.


"I believe you..." My head snaps up she believes me? "You do?" she nods. "Yeah you saw him and I don't think you can imagine that to be honest."

Finally someone who believes me! Maybe just because she was is really close to Harry but I don't even care if that's the only reason she believes me.


To say I'm scared is an understatement... This is basically my only chance to get Harry back.

It's almost 10 PM Almost time to go. I'm pacing around my apartment the letter and money clutched tightly in my hand. My legs and hands are shaking like crazy and I can't really remember how to breathe properly...

I walk out of my apartment, locking the door behind me.

Chloe went to a hotel to rest and told me to call her whenever I need her. Maybe I should've told Zayn or Liam where I was going so I won't end up dead in an alley, but oh well to late for that I guess.

I slowly walk to the alley, I don't see a car or anything so they're probably not here yet obviously.

I take a shaky breath leaning against the dirty bricks. And then I suddenly hear a car. the car stops. the door closes. I hear footsteps coming closer and closer... My heart is beating extremely fast. I need to stay strong.

I see a slim figure enter the alley. I sigh knowing Harry isn't that thin. I should've known this was stupid. The guy comes a bit closer, I can't see his face, but it's obvious that the guy is struggling to not pass out.

He keeps his head low just holding out the drugs when he's close enough. I'm about to take it and hand the money to not look suspicious, but the guy starts to fall forwards. I automatically reach out for him so he won't smash his head against the ground and die.

It takes him a few seconds to stand up normally again and mutters out a small 'Thanks'. I know that voice It sounds so different but somehow still the same. "Please don't run." is all I say when I quickly grab his wrist.

His head snaps up dull green eyes wide and...Hopefull. He's so so pale, every bone clearly visible in his features and he has a lot of bruises. And that's only his face... I blink back tears. And give him the letter plus money.

"Please come home Haz..." I see tears roll down his cheek. "I can't..." I reach out to carefully wipe away his tears. "Read the letter," Finally letting my own tears escape. I can see in his eyes how much he wants to come home. I don't know what's or who is holding him back but before I can say more he's running away again.


Harry's pov ( yass) 

I quickly step inside Matt's car when I have the Letter safely hidden in my sweater. "You got the money?" I nod and hand it to him.

When we get back to the house he immediately slams me against a wall and rips my jeans off. He luckily doesn't take off the sweater. When he's done telling me how useless and fat I am he throws me in the room like always, locking the door.

They put me in this room every day for about an hour with nothing but blades. There are new blades every time. Sharp and shiny. When I'm done cutting and most of the time passed out because of blood loss, they put me back in the cold basement where they strip me from all my clothes and chain me up, leaving me like that for the rest of the day.

But this time I won't cut....instead of using the shiny blades I grab the letter Louis gave me. trying not to let my feelings get to me, I have time for that later.

I glance at the door one last time before starting to read.

I don't really know how to start to be honest so I'll just start with a poem I guess...

I want to take the bits of you I love and press them like flowers between the pages of my favourite book because I know these will never fade. 

And I want to take all the scraps that you dislike about yourself and display them on my refrigerator to show you I'm still proud of the person you are.

But most of all, I want to spin you like a globe and drag my fingers across until it stops to discover the pieces of you that you've yet to reveal to anyone else.

I want to wrap them up in linen and place them in an old cigar box, I'd tuck it away safely in the top drawer of my bedside table, so you know I will never let those pieces of you go 

Because when you share hidden parts of yourself with someone else, you're trusting that person to hold the secret sections of your heart, and to love the bits you thought were unlovable.

I know that it's definitely not the best poem ever, but I tried for you Haz... And I want you to know that I never stopped loving you. There isn't a day that's gone by where you haven't consumed my every thought. I see you in everyone. You should be here.

I miss your 4 A.M. calls.

I miss your stupid jokes.

I miss the way you used to smile whenever you saw me...

Everyone says you're not coming back and that I'm crazy.

Honestly, I'm starting to believe them, But I don't think I'll ever stop loving you.


So... that happened.



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