Chapter 23

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Hi babes, (I hope this updates and my book isn't suddenly deleted or something bc my Wattpad is fooking stupid. (:)

ANYWAY this chapter is short and maybe a little shitty since I rwote it in like 1 hour BUT i rlly wanted to update because I know if I didn't update now the chapter would be like 1 week late n that's not fun so here it is :)

I'm rambling even when typing wow... 

Hope you enjoy the Chapter :) Maybe leave a comment if you feel like it. Or not feel like it but want to make me happy.

xoxo C.


A shock seems to go through my body when I touch the strangers hand. He looks up in shock, eyes wide.

All the air in my lungs disappears and my heart seems to stop beating. no.. no no no no no. This can't be true he's dead. He left me 6 days ago. Tears are blurring my vision and I'm gasping for air.


He quickly turns around running away. He looks at me one last time before disappearing again. I want to run after him. I want to tell him how much I missed him, that I can't live without him. I want to to take him home, hold his fragile body close to mine and never let go.

But I'm frozen... My body completely fails me and all I can do is stare in front of me with tear streaked cheeks and choking on air. I choke out his name again finally breaking down. "Harry... Please come back." I know he can't hear me, but that doesn't stop me from calling him over and over again till I feel myself getting weak and dizzy.

I slide down the disgusting wall, gasping for air. I'm going crazy... He can't be alive. My eyes are slowly slipping closed and I don't even make an effort in trying to keep them open because I know it's no use.


I hear soft voices talking. It sounds like they're in a... fight? I groan and force my eyes open not knowing where I am. I hear the door open and close before I feel the bed dip in. "how are you feelin Lou?" I recognize his voice immediately.


Why am I at his place? I slowly sit up taking the glass of water and gulping it down. "What happened?" I ask Niall confused as ever. Niall shrugs "I don't know exactly Lou... We tracked your phone because we were worried and found you passed out in an alley." He looks like he's about to cry, "Why were you there Louis."

I stare at the wall suddenly remembering everything, Passing out I seem to do that a lot... because I drank too much. Needing something stronger, meeting with someone in the alley for drugs. Harry.

My eyes go wide "Harry!" how could I forget that. Niall looks at me like I've got three heads, but I don't care.  my Harry is alive. Liam comes walking in too, he probably heard me scream Harry's name...

"Louis we know you miss him, but you have to get over him he's gone! You can't just fucking take drugs to help you forget shit!" He's holding up the drugs I bought yesterday. shit..

I start shaking my head muttering "no" repeatedly. They don't understand. "No, you have to listen to me! Harry isn't gone, I saw him!"

Liam comes sitting next to me placing his hand on my knee. "We decided to get you help... This is not healthy Louis. It's slowly destroying you."

I rub my temples in annoyance. "Did you not fucking heard what I just said!? He's alive and I need to help him." A sad sigh leaves Niall's lips. "I'm sorry Lou but this what's best for you."

Fine, if they don't want to believe me I'll take care of this on my own. Fuck 'em. "If you don't want to believe me I think it's better that you leave."


Here I am.. alone again. Slowly starting to believe Niall and Liam. What if I am actually crazy. What if I just imagined Harry standing there. I barely sleep or eat since he's 'gone'... Maybe I'm so exhausted and broken that I'm starting to see things.

I grab my phone, fingers hovering over the keyboard. Why would I text him... That's not going to help.

I take a deep breath and decide to just type 3 little words and a name.

To: Haz

From: me

I love you, Harry.

I stare at my phone for 30 minutes without getting a reply so I decide to try and get some sleep. Just when I'm about to doze off I hear my phone buzz.

I rush to grab my phone my heart pounding in my chest. He texted me! I open the text with shaky hands.

From: Haz

To: me

Harry's dead and it's all your fault. Fuck off freak. -M


I'm like sleep drunk rn lol bye.

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