Chapter 36

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Hi lovelies,

I know, suuuppperrr late update, but there's so much bs in my life right now so it's hard to find motivation and energy to update but I'll try my hardest because I actually really enjoy writing this book even though it's almost finished 🙈

enjoy the (short) chapter

xoxo C.


Harry's pov

I've been here for 4 days now. I somehow managed to avoid Derek wich is good but being here is absolutely exhausting. I have about 2 normal therapy sessions one with my psychologist and one with a group and I also have art and music therapy. I don't mind those too much but having so much therapy and basically being forced to join all the activities is not fun.

I call Louis every day and then we talk till I have to give my phone back but today he didn't pick up. I know I shouldn't worry but the hour where I can hear his voice is the highlight of my day so when I call Chloe instead while trying to hold back tears it's not my fault.

After talking with her for about 30 minutes I hang up and just look through my camera roll. There are like a million pictures of me and Louis when we try to take cute selfies but end up taking 30 selfies in a row looking like idiots.

I fall asleep with my phone still in my hand and a small smile on my lips.


"Harry, wake up." I groan and slowly open my eyes glaring at the person who woke me up. I forgot her name in all honesty and I don't bother asking again because I only see her when she wakes me up.

Yes, they wake you here, wich in my opinion is bullshit because alarm clocks exist.

After about 10 minutes I get out of bed not wanting to miss breakfast since I'm quite hungry. Almost everyone is already eating when I walk in, making me a bit uncomfortable. Just like every day I sit alone in the corner next to a fucking trash can.

I eat my food slowly not even fully awake yet. When I'm done and walk to the board to see who's cooking tonight my mouth drops open.

-Harry Styles and Derek Sherman-

Seriously!? There are knives in the kitchen he's going to kill me!

What am I supposed to do now!?

Louis' pov

"Liam you don't understand! I missed his calls when he's only been there for 4 days. I promised to talk to him every day for at least the first week."

Liam looks at me tiredly, "I know but you can't do anything about that so stop freaking out and explain everything when he calls you tonight I'm sure he'll understand." I shake my head. he probably won't even call me I know what he's like when he feels rejected.

Besides that, there's nothing to explain I was just too busy doing absolutely nothing and had my phone on silent.

I just wish I could get him out of there and that he wouldn't feel so sad and broken. I know I should support him through all this and that's exactly what I'm planning on doing. It's just a lot harder that I thought.

We were apart for so long, I thought he died but now that I actually know he's still here and wants to be with me it's nearly impossible to not be with him.

And to think he's not even safe there because of that stupid fuck -Derek- makes it a million times worse. Yes, we met because of him but still what he did was wrong even though it was nothing compared to what happened in the last months.

I sigh deeply I'll call him tonight so I can, at least, tell him how much I love him, wich is super cliche but I honestly do not care.

The only thing that matters is Harry knowing he's the most beautiful human being in the universe on the inside and outside.



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