Chapter 35

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Hi loves,

Hope evryone's good.

I just uploaded a new book btw I'd really love you if you would read it <3 It's called secret love song.

Enjoy the chapter :)

xoxo c.


Harry's pov

"Louis, I don't want to go." He hugs me a little tighter dropping my bag on the floor. "I know baby, but it's for the better." A light sob leaves my lips. "I know but I finally have you back and I don't want to be away from you again."

He cups my cheeks, tears brimming his beautiful eyes. "It's going to be okay. Before you know it you'll be back here. with me. We can do whatever we want and you'll be better. We could finally leave all of this behind.

But if you don't go we won;t be able to do that, because there will come a time you'll break. You know you need help to be able to control your thoughts. So please just take this opportunity, I don't want to lose you to your own thoughts."

I kiss his soft lips, promising I'll try to get better. 10 weeks away from him is going to be incredibly hard when I just got him back, but I'll try, for him I'll do anything. Even if that means I have to fight my demons.

He squeezes my hands tightly before picking up my bag and placing it in the car. Louis is allowed to drive me and see my room but he'll have to leave after 10 minutes.


When he parks in front of the building I'm near a panic attack. "Lou, Louis, I can't do this. I can't do this!" He pulls me in his lap kissing my curls while whispering calming words. "shh It's going to be okay Haz just calm down for me okay baby?"

After a few minutes, I manage to calm down a little and let the tears roll down my cheeks. I'm such a baby! I'm always crying, Louis will probably find someone else when I'm gone.

"Harry I love you. so so much. I can't imagine a life without you, that's why I want you to this." I nod slowly, "I love you more Lou." I feel his smile against my temple and a happy feeling washes over me. I'm going to do this.

We get out of the car and grab my bag. We walk inside, hands intertwined tightly. My legs are weak and my hands are shaking. I have to do this. It's just 10 weeks after that I'll be Louis again, I'll be able to see all my friends again. I have to do this.


Louis left one minute ago and I'm already in tears. Everyone is looking at me like I'm crazy but I can't help it. I went through a lot and Louis was my only source of positivity. He's my reason, and he always will be. So I can't help that I fall apart without him.

I see it's 6:00 p.m. and head to the dining area. Everyone has a day schedule, not all of them are the same but everyone always eats together. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. And to my luck, I hate eating with so many people. great, I already love it here.

I sit down in the far corner of the room. Everyone is chatting happily with their friends and don't even notice me. I don't grab food, not feeling very hungry today, but I'm not allowed to leave either.

Suddenly I spot a familiar face. What is he doing here!? I never wanted to see him again. Luckily he doesn't see me but I know it's impossible to avoid him for 10 weeks.

When I'm finally allowed to leave I immediately head to my room dialing Louis' number on my phone. You're allowed to use your phone after dinner but you have to give it back after an hour, you can also use their phones with coins or something but that just makes me feel like a prisoner.

Louis picks up after the third ring. "Lou?" I hear him sigh happily when he hears my voice, "Hi baby. Is everything okay?" I curl into a ball on my bed, "No. No, it's not." His soft voice turns into worry. "Why not? what happened."

"Derek's here." 


Y'all probably thought I forgot about derek didn't you :3

Ily guys 

stay fab.


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