Chapter 37

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so like I know this update is like super late but in my mind I thought it was bout 10 days since I last updated only to find out it's more than 20 days ago. OOPSSS


enjoy the chapter :)

xoxo C.

Harry's pov

I nervously wait in the kitchen. Derek's supposed to be here in about 5 minutes and I feel like I need to throw up.

I don't know what he's going to do. Maybe he'll apologize but maybe he knows Louis and I are dating and will try to kill me.

I hear the door open and a cheery 'hello', I turn around meeting Derek's eyes. "Hi..." His eyes widen and his cheery expression immediately changes. "What the fuck are you doing here!?"

I take a few steps back when he comes closer. "I-um I..." He cuts me off with a scoff. "I'm here because of you! You ruined everything and stole my Louis!" My heart is beating fast and fear is racing through my body.

Just when he's about to jump on me one of the staff members comes walking in. He tries to fight against his grip but luckily isn't strong enough. someone else comes walking in and together they pull Derek out of the kitchen.

Derek is still shouting at me. worthless. good for nothing. slut.

"Hey, are you okay we heard yelling and figured Derek had one of his episodes." I nod slowly, probably looking sick since all the color has left my face.


I begged my psychologist to let me skip dinner because I know Derek might be there and I feel so fucking scared so I'm just waiting till I'm finally allowed to get my phone.

I hope Louis picks up the phone, he's the only one I want to talk to right now.

When everyone is finally allowed to get their phones I jump off my bed and run downstairs. "Hi, can I have my phone?" the lady looks up at me asking for my name. "Harry Styles." how do they not know my name by now?

"Oh I'm sorry Harry, but you kept your phone longer than an hour yesterday and only returned it this morning you're not allowed to use it today."

"Excuse me!? I need to call my boyfriend!" she sighs sadly. "Again, I'm sorry but that's just how it works." I feel my eyes tearing up. After all that happened today this is what pushes over the edge and I just break.

"No! That's not how it fucking works! I'm not some lunatic who needs to be kept away from a damn phone, I need to call my fucking boyfriend!" I see the lady push a button but I don't care and just keep shouting.

Soon there's a man standing next to me trying to calm me down but it's not working. As soon as I see him pull out a needle I go into a full-on panic attack.

Memory's of all the times I got drugged when I was with Matthew fill my mind. I start screaming and thrashing against his hold. "Let me go! LET ME GO!" I breathe in short gasps and I feel light headed till I feel myself falling forward.


Louis' pov

I stare at my phone with a frown. I've called Harry for over a dozen times by now but he just doesn't pick up. I hope he just fell asleep or something but Haz never falls asleep that early.

Tomorrow is the day I can visit him but I don't even know if he wants to see me. I miss him so much and can;t wait to hug him but what if he rejects me? what if Derek killed him!? okay, that's not gonna happen but still... I just want to know how he's doing.

I know he's having a hard time there and can't wait to get out. I don't know if they'll let him go after 10 weeks or if he even wants to be with me when his mind is finally cleared from his demons but I do know that after everything he's still the only one I want.



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