Chapter 38

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Hi babes,

guess what I wrote a happy fluffy chapter how cool is that lmao.

ANDDDD the book is almost finished I know I said that about 10 chapters ago but this time it really is almost finished and I might cry a little I think there are only like 2 chapter left maybe a few more but we'll see.

anyway enjoy or not idk 

xoxo C.


Louis' pov

Today's visiting day you're allowed in after 7:00 pm and have to leave around 10:00 pm. I haven't heard anything from Harry and I'm worried even though I know not a lot can happen to him when he's in there.

With a deep sigh, I step out of my car. I've been waiting outside the building for about 15 minutes waiting till I could finally go in.

The lady at the front desk looks friendly and gives me a warm smile. "Hello, what can I do fro you?" I nervously look around not really knowing how this works. "I uh I'm here for Harry Styles."

She types something on the computer and frowns. "Oh, Harry is in the medical unit I don't exactly what happened but I'll have to ask if you're allowed to see him."

I stare at her with wide eyes. Why is he there!? what happened? Is he hurt? My thoughts are interrupted when the lady speaks up again. "One of the doctors will bring you to him but if Harry wants you to leave don't put up a fight." I just nod and follow the doctor.

"I assume you're his boyfriend since that's the only person he ever talks about and you're probably worried right now but there's no need to. Harry is okay he just has a lot of panic attacks after a few things happened, he'll tell you about it himself."

I sigh in relief, obviously, panic attacks aren't very fun but at least, Derek didn't hurt him.

The doctor opens a door revealing Harry sitting on a bed, cuddled up in blankets listening to some music. He doesn't notice us at first so I decide to sneak up behind him. The doctor is about to protest but I already wrap my arms around his waist whispering a soft 'boo' in his ear after I pulled out his earphones.

a quiet squeal leaves his lips but then realizes it's me and breaks into a fit of giggles. "Lou!" I smile at him, peppering his face with kisses. "I missed you so much beautiful." He pulls me next to him so he can cuddle with me, "I missed you more Lou. So so much..." The doctor seems surprised at how Harry acts but I ignore it and just focus on my adorable boyfriend trying to kiss me.

We kiss softly fo a few minutes, the doctor awkwardly leaving the room. "How are you, baby? the doctor told me you had a few panic attacks." he buries his face in the crook of my neck.

"I'm okay now. It's just... I forgot to give my phone back after an hour so the next day I wasn't allowed to call you but like Derek yelled at me and I just really wanted to talk to you but they wouldn't let me so I panicked and then this therapist doctor guy tried to drug me or something and that made me panic even more because it brought me back to the countless of times Matt drugged me..."

I kiss his curls softly, "Don't worry love, they will never really hurt you, I promise." He smiles kissing my neck, nodding slightly.

"What happened with Derek though?" He shrugs and tells me how Derek freaked out as soon as he saw Harry but then he sits up and orders me to stop talking about bad things because this is our only day in the week where we can be together.

When I leave he keeps reassuring me he will be fine and that he will see me next week and will call me every chance he gets.

And that's what we do we call every day where he tells me how his day was sometimes involving stories of Derek freaking ou again and sometimes just listening to his voice when he tells stupid jokes. And every Thursday I visit him sharing soft kisses and cuddles noticing every time he's getting better and happier. That's how days and weeks pass, the love between us only growing stronger.





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