CHAPTER Eighteen

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Lora elucidated about the shot to the team.

"We are planning to keep Lora as the second player who will do the strike," Mark preconized.

Lora was flabbergasted.

"But Mark...," she was going to stop him but before she could have stopped all the team members accepted his decision, even Gray who didn't prefer a girl in the team.

"It would be fun to watch Lora play," Taren said.

"We will be able to watch her amazing striking moves... It would be fun Rock, don't you think?" Brandon said.

"Yes and it will be more fun depending on her dressing style during the match," Rock said perversely and was whacked by Axle.

Lora couldn't believe her ears. She felt very lucky to have such friends. She was the weakest of them all and was handed over such a shot, that too during the time when the championship match was so close.

She decided to work hard as much as she can and to not disappoint them.

The first person selection started.
Stefan suggested Maruto as the first person as he was stout and would provide a good support.
He received a hit on his back from Maruto.

Before their quarrel began Neil ceased them. Although it was a prank Stefan had a point. So the first member was selected. It was Maruto who would provide support to the second player, Lora.

Mark gave them their respective training plan. 

Lora was asked to try using support of Kane's and Gray's hands and try to jump high up and balance herself while kicking the ball and land down safely on the ground. Kane interrupted asking why wasn't she allowed to wear the weighted shoes and practise to increase the height of the jump.

"That can be done after she had learned to balance herself," Mark said remembering about the date of the match, "And well if she jumped high and won't be able to balance herself and fell down from that height she won't be able to wake up for next try. I guess you understand that," Mark said looking at Kane.

Kane nodded. He acted without thinking for the first time.

Mark's words frightened the team members. They felt lucky for not receiving that part but felt bad for pushing Lora into it.

"Maybe Kane was better for that shot," Axle thought worrying about Lora. He suggested Lora's name thinking about her depression but if that would hurt her that badly than... he looked at Lora who didn't had any fright on her face.

He decided to let go for the while, if something happens than they will take care at that point.

Maruto was asked to put on more heavy weighted shoes and try to jump high up as much as he can.

"What...increase the weights? I was not even able to skid wearing the earlier weights... And captain you are asking me to increase the weights," Maruto reacted.

"Maruto you need to do it and I know you can. Don't forget your aim to reach the finals of the tournament. We have been practicing since a year," Mark said trying to encourage him.

All went at different places to practice.
Lora and the two (Gray and Kane) went in the forest of Veinstone Valley where there was an open space for Lora to make her jump. Their practice begin. Lora took her first jump and by taking support of Kane's and Gray's hand and completed her second jump. She reached the half floor on her second jump on the first try.

Axle normally without support jumped half floor for his twisting fire but even after doing a second jump she reached just the same height... That made her a little disappointed but she decided to work hard as much she can.

Jumping was difficult but trying to kick in the air was far more difficult. She tried to kick but lost her balance and fell on the ground from half the floor distance.

Her body pained a lot and she was about to cry in pain. The other two was not able to help her as their hands were tied to each other with a wodden pole such that lora would be able to take proper support.

Lora eyes were closed as she tried to bare the pain. She was not able to stand up. She looked at Gray who had a worried face. Her sight change to Kane who wasn't looking at her. She was able to see that Kane was thinking her as a useless fool as always.

She got up. Her legs ached and she had many bruises on her hands and legs. She cleaned away the tear that were forcing themselves out. Kane kept his hands forward that made gray to imitate because of the connection.

Gray wasn't sure for letting Lora practice it but as Kane had already decided he wasn't able to back up. Lora jumped on their hands and was going to take her second jump but she slipped because of the injury on her leg. She fell on the ground backwards and hitted her back and her head.

Lora noticed that the uselees felling on Kane's face had increased. She got up without wasting anytime. Her eyes cried. She was surrounded by mud all over. Her bones ached as if they were broken.

She again went for her first jump. She tried balancing and went for the second. Her head started to ache, her eyes closed on their own and she wasn't able to make her kick but even then she fell.

"Are you all right," Gray asked.

"Yeah... I'm... fine," she replied getting up again.

There was no change on Kane's face even then.

She again did her first jump and than the second but failed again and fell down. She tried and tried. An hour passed and then two. Her condition went on going worse and worse. She wasn't able to even stand on her own.

She used kane's body support to stand. Her eyes were almost closed and she practiced almost blindly. There were bleeding on almost every part of her body. Her eyes stopped crying getting used to it. She felt dizzy and she knew that any second she could fell down getting uncounscious... even in all that after each try she looked at Kane's face which didn't showed any difference than what it was earlier.

She know that his expression won't change just by trying. He wanted to see a result. But lora wondered whether he's expression would change even after that.

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