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Nwxt day Lora got up to find Kane missing in the room. She went out getting fresh after having her breakfast. Everyone was present except Kane. She wished them good morning. The way of saying surprised them.

"Where is Kane"; she inquired.

No one had any reply.
"Why are you asking about that meany"; Dean asked.

"Cause I wanted to go for a treat. It's still remaining"; she said.

"What treat are you talking about"; Neoma asked.

Others were even confused.
"We have to celebrate for winning the finals"; Kane said arriving there.
The confused Crashing Eleven and others looked at Kane.

Suddenly a light sparkled around Lora. When it dimmed someone else stood there in place of Lora.

"Let us introduce to our team mate Lora"; Noel said keeping his arms around Lora's shoulder.

Neoma and Dean were confused.

"It's time for you to return"; Kane said.
The two were still confused when a teleportation circle opened and both went missing.

"It's good to see you in your normal self"; Noel said as he hugged her; "Don't mind Kane."; he said looking at Kane but he seemed to be lost in thoughts.

"So guys let's party"; Lora said.

All decided and went in the city to enjoy. They had planned a days enjoyment. Kane was still lost in thoughts while others were enjoying.
They reached the hotel Kane had booked for their staying. It was a nice expensive one. But being a prince he could have ofcourse afforded that.

"We will go to shopping"; Selina said holding Lora.

"Are you sure"; Lora asked making a weird face.

"Yes I am"; she said pulling her.

"Wait... wait... let's ask others to tag along"; Lora said.

All of them decided to accompany while Kane said he wasn't in a proper mood and left the place.

"What's wrong with him"; Dan asked.

"I thought he would have been dancing with joy seeing Lora back"; Noel said.

They decided to leave him alone for sometime.

They went in the market. Selina pulled Bryan to every shop she could find. She did love shopping a lot. Edan and Gray also tagged along with her. On the contrary Lora was least intrested in shopping. They went with others to taste some food items, play games, click pictures and have a whole lot of fun.

Jude called up Kane taking out some time from his fun but he refused to join.

"What's wrong with this guy. Did something happened between this two again"; Jude thought.

He went to join the others when they were talking about Lora's memories return.

Crashing Eleven already knew when Lora's memory had returned. They heard the happenings from Neoma and Dean to guess about the recovery.

When Lora joined Neoma and Dean in the training centre in the striking zone the first ball that attacked had a massive speed but Lora kicked the ball and it went and hit to the machine causing damage. But it was repaired that instsnce. Later Lora started to train them and when they were done from training, she was the one to save them all along as time passed.

Hearing that her powers were back it was right to guess that her memory was back too.

In the night all went back in the hotel having enjoyed the entire day. It was fun. They went to show Kane all the pictures they had removed at the time of shopping and all the other stuffs but he was least intrested.

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