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Next day all the students were present on the ground for their first fighting lecture. Few were excited, while few wondered what the things were going to be, while few had no emotion arising at the time.

"So today we are going to start with the first part of wand formation... I hope you all are ready for it... well even if you are not than prepare yourself for it"; Ryan said.

All seemed to be ready and were waiting for an explanation. So Ryan continued.

"Your first step would be to put energy into things. That energy would form the wand and then get converted into the wands energy";

"So how can we do it"; Noel asked.

"Nothing that just need to break a simple ball..." but before Ryan could have finished off with his sentence Maruto spoke up.

"That's too simple..."; he commented.

"If the ball was actually a normal one then"; Lora commented.

"Today we are going to learn how to move your energy into something... in other words it means you need to chanelize your energy. For that we have prepared some special balls that would help you"; Ryan said as a bag appeared there with a puff.

All wondered what the contents of the bag would be.
Ryan soon removed the group out of their curiosity as he opened up the bag and removed a glass ball from it. There were many in that bag.

"I will show it to you just once so watch carefully"; he said.

He stood still for sometime holding the ball with the palms of both hands and getting a proper grip with the fingers.

"Watch carefully in the ball"; he said.

There was some movements in the ball. All went to have a closer look. There were movements of some liquid type of material... no it wasn't liquid then what was it... Well whatever it was they were able to see it. It emited a bluish light making them easier to see.

"Now what you can see is my energy which I directed to my palms and into the ball and I'm controlling it in the glass ball. You may quite easily be able to see how I am moving it"; Ryan said as he caught the ball in his one hand and was controlling the flow of his energy which was visible.

The energy moved right, left, in circles as Ryan wished it moved. It was sparkling, swaying beautifully.

"Well you guys need to burst up this ball. It's a rubber material but as it's transparency, appearance are more like glass we tend to call this as a glass ball. You may easily be able to break it if you know what are the things you require to do...commonly called as the tricks...but I feel you all are big enough to be able to find about it yourself so I won't be explaining you that part";

"What the hell. How are we supposed to know that"; Rock said.

"Pay attention"; Ryan called out bringing back the people's attetion to the ball again which had been diverted because of his sentence although Kane had a constant watch over it without even a slightest distraction.

The energy in the ball suddenly increased its moving speed. It had become quite difficult to see what was happening inside.
No one actually saw what happened inside it. Just was able to see the baloon burst.

"So now you know that you are not allowed to use any sharp instruments for breaking that ball or any other means... you need to break it with the help of your energy and nothing else. Why don't you make it simpler by breaking it into small steps and then try doing it step wise";

"You are talking about breaking it in small steps...It just entered my head from one side and flowed away from another"; Noel said.

"It didn't even enter my head forget about flowing out"; Brandon said.

"Sir for the point of fact we didn't understood anything what exactly happened in the ball", Gray said.

"I had told u all to concentrate. Well I feel you all need to try yourself first to understand it. I will come later on to check your progress";

"Are you not staying here to see our tries and tell us our faults for us to rectify it"; Lora asked.

"I don't think you all are kids yet... You all are quiet big enough to know your own mistakes and faults"; Ryan said and disappeared from that place leaving his students in wonder.

"What was all that about"; Axle asked but no one had an answer with them.

"Did anyone understood what professor said"; Maruto asked.

"Lets give it a try... I guess we will understand once we try solving it"; Lora said.

All agreed and each took a ball and tried on their own having their own opinions about Ryan's demo.

Lora tried to think what Ryan had showed and tried to imitate...
She tried to sense the energy present in her. She wasnt able to. She tried to concentrate. Hours passed. She had no idea what was happening around her. She was trying to concentrate. She did had a high level of concentration that she had almost forgotten about everything around.
She concentrated and kept on with that level.

It was a noice of something bursting.
Lora's concentration faded away soon. She opened her eyes and found everyone around. It was afternoon. But the sunlight wasn't that bright.

She looked at the ground and noticed glass pieces fallen down.
It was Kane. He had bursted up the ball.

She looked around to check whether was she the only one who was lacking behind but she found that all the others were in the same condition. It was just Kane.

"How did you do it"; Axle asked.

"Yes please tell us"; Dan said.

Kane explained it to them.
First they need to sence their energy. After that move the energy from the hands and towards the palms into the ball. Thats the initial steps.

After the energy is in the ball they need to move it around for some time for starting tries to see their control over their energy. The glass ball have certain properties that make them able to see their energy making their work easier cause they can sence and see simlutaneusly.

They need to manipulate the energy in the centre of the ball and concentrate it in the centre creating a massive energy ball of high pressure and at one point when its reached a sufficient amount of pressure they need to send the enegy striking from diffrent directions at the outer wall.
The pressure may cause the ball to burst.

Those steps were harder then they seemed to be. Sensing their energy was just not a piece of cake and channelizing it was just like controlling the impulse transmission in the body on our own will which is automatic.
You just can't concentrate enough to make it flow on your will. It won't just follow you.

"How did you know the steps that we need to do after we put energy in the glass ball"; Lora asked.

"You will always ask a foolish question,won't you"?

Lora ignored his taunt. She was hardly able to hear him.

"He saw it when Ryan gave the demo"; Mark said.

"Seriously you saw it that time"; Maruto asked.

Kane nooded looking at the shocked Lora.

"Lets take a break. We will then continue with having a proper clear mind"; Mark said.

All agreed. They actually needed one. It was a lot of meditating for a lot of time.

"Dont pressurize your brain like a pressure cooker or it may burst"; Kane said as they moved towards their rooms.

"Your taunts"; Lora sighed said and increased her speed towards her room.

"Do you think pressurizing yourself would help you fetch tricks for you"; Kane said catching up with her easily.

Lora wasn't shocked seeing him able to catch up. She ofcourse knew that his speed was far greater then she had. Remembering about speed it should had not shocked Lora so much hearing that Kane was actually able to see the things that happened in the ball while Ryan gave the demo.


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