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"This school was created by the high king and queen so the rules are made by them. But the first principal who was present when they stayed decided themselves that it would be great to serve them. Later on the rule became that whoever the room accepts should be served"; Leona said.

"And before you ask any further questions about the king and queen I shoukd inform that we are getting late"; Kane said.

Leona took her leave. Lora went to get fresh while Kane went to have her food. When Lora moved out Kane had already finished eating. He was about to leave when Lora stopped him.

He looked back with his cold look.

"Will you wait for me"; she asked.

Kane didn't respond rather left from the room.

Lora went to have her breakfast. She wondered how she would find her way in the school when she heard a voice. The voice frightened her. She had never heard a voice like that ever before. Was that also normal.

She remembered one of the team member saying that there was an actual dragon in the room. She had thought it a joke before but was that an actual dragon's voice was the thing she wondered about. Each and every thing out there was saying that she isn't safe. Everything was just too new for her.

She was frightened a lot.

"Calm down"; she heard the voice speak.

Lora was quiet but still wasn't feeling well.
Dragon told her things that she as a new student would require to know.

Lora thanked him. He wasn't that dangerous atleast by his voice when a person get adapted to it. She started to imagine which different places she would faint when the dragon suddenly popped out in front of her.
She also imagined how he may actually look like. Many differnt types of dragons figures appeared in her thoughts.

She ate up the delicious food she had never ever eaten in her life.

Lora went down on the field and found the others waiting there. She realized that dragon was the one she could trust.

"What took you so long to come down"; Neoma shouted at her as she was the last one to appear and all had been waiting for her arrival.

Lora being unaware of the time just had to apologize.

"It's all right Lora. You don't need to apologize. Cheer up. Your training is going to begin from today"; Noel cheered.

"We will go to the training centre"; Mark said as it could be best to get Loar's memory back by means of football.

All agreed and went at the training centre.

"The school has an underground tunnel"; Dean said surprised when they reached there through the magic passage.

Others gave a weird look at her reaction cause there were many things in the school that were more surprising and awesome.

The timmer was set and all went in. Lora was standing along with Neoma and Dean at the striking zone.

She was feeling weird. The zone close by was that of Kane's. She felt as if she was there before, standing still, staring at Kane.

The three were well informed about the ligtinings and the wheels.

Kane had begun with his practise. Lora was amazed. It was same like the last time just she was more amazed as she had no idea how talented Kane was. She had no idea whether Kane was the only one that talented or everyone around were the same.

She just wasn't able to concentrate on her practise and was attracted towards Kane.

Suddenly she was pushed aside. She realized that she was still standing. Then what was that thing of getting pushed. She saw someoe's image there again standing and staring at Kane. Lora was confused. It seemed that it was her. But that wasn't possible. Just then she saw the image of the wheel strike and Axle saving that girl.

Lora was too confused. Her head started to ache with all those images flashing in front. When all of a sudden she was pushed backwards.

"Axle"; she thought but it wasn't. It was Kane.

But just a second before he was busy practising with those many dummies and kicking the ball. How did he reached there. She remembered that the scene had happened before. During the match in the other world she was saved by him in the same manner. Her head ached a lot.

She saw Neoma and Dean frightened like a cat. They began practising before they were next hit by the wheel.

Neoma and Dean were kicking but they were not able to kick the minimum speed the machine had decided for them.

"It"s hopeless. We are no match for them. What are we doing here at the first place"; Neoma said.

"I wanna go out of this place"; Dean said.

"You can't until you finish your practise"; Lora siad joining them.

"Lena"; Neoma called out seeing her.

"Who are you to tell us such things when you were just about to get hit by the wheel"; Dean said.

"My name is Lora"; she corrected Neoma.

Neoma moved aside and allowed Lora to come and practise.

Seeing the three together Kane and all got worried. If she started to mingle with them a lot then their plan of reminding her everything by repeating similar things won't work as the two were not present with them.

"I know Lora would do it..."; Kane said.
As they were watching the other three there were some changes that were created in the training centre. Each zone was covered such that the next zone won't be visible.

Kane and the others worried about Lora and the other two.

"If they fell getting tired then..."; was the only thing that moved in their mind.

Kane tried to use his magic but he remembered that the room was also created by the high king who had made the school and his magic won't work against it. He wasn't that strong.

The entire 24 hours were over. The zones were cleared and all rushed to look how the three were doing. Surprisingly all three were fine. All wondered how. All three of them were exhausted.

They decided to go back to their rooms to rest.

"Why are you ignoring me"; Lora asked when they were back in their rooms.

Her sudden question made Kane surprise. From where did it come from all of a sudden? He had never given her attention on the first place to ignore.

"Why did you save me...  I don't think you would save me"; she continued.

Kane didn't responded. He acted as if he didn't cared but he listened to her each and every silly sentence carefully.

"Why did you bring me here. Do you really think I am suitable for the place"; she said.

Kane clicked on the switch that removed the sunlight to make the room dark so that they could sleep and went to sleep. There was silence spread in the room

"Would you really accept me"; she said softly shocking Kane.

He still lied on the bed facing the opposite side.

"Why would a prince accept me... he still have his princess"; she said making Kane go in shock that he sat still.

"What do you think disguising as Jude would have worked"; she said.

Kane was just speechless.

"Why did you tried to come closer to me when you decided to stay away. Was it your jealousy that I hanged out with Jude? Why did you left without informing anything? Why were you not present when I needed you most in the finals? Why were you not present when I felt that I lost you? It's all because of you? She was right. I should have never returned".

Lora suddely collapsed.

Kane rushed towards her. All her sentences depicted that her memory was back and made him realized his guilt which he had realized it long back but he had his reasons. But the thing that disturbed him the most was Lora's one sentence.
"She was right. I should have never returned".

Those words roamed in his ears as he made Lora lie down on the bed and sat there beside her.
Those words just roamed in his head confusing him a lot.


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