1 | A Detention

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I sigh heavily. Mrs Cramer has been, ironically, cramming information into our heads for the millionth time. She has a tendency to rant on and on about the weirdest and most pointless things. Things that won't even help us in the future, so why listen. Space continuums for example. None of us understand her (except for Victoria), but that wasn't going to stop her wild mouth. Victoria was the.......well, nerd in this situation. She was the only one who actually understood anything that came from Mrs. Cramer's mouth. It wasn't like the rest of us were stupid. Except maybe a few...

For example Taylor and Jessica they were always sitting up the back giggling over nothing. But I wasn't surprised they wore enough makeup that they looked like a clown, but for some reason the boys still loved them. I will never understand guys. They'd sit there and act like zombies which was ridiculous! But there were only a few boys who didn't care much for those two clowns. Brent, Todd and Sam, the only boys in our whole grade with enough common sense. I wondered who those guys actually liked...I felt a short few jabs on my shoulder.

"Georgia, wake up!" My friend Katie had jabbed me on the shoulder, she'd obviously been talking and like usual I wasn't listening, I had a tendency to do that. But hey, you can't blame me, I loved day dreaming. So peaceful.

"Ow, do you mind!" I rubbed my shoulder surprised she had actually hurt me. Katie is pretty weak, not only physically weak but she can be emotionally weak to, she cried in the movie the Lego movie. I don't even know how she found it sad but there were a lot of things I didn't understand about her.

"Finally, now as I was saying tomorrow are we going to the movies or shopping?" She smiles at me. Ugh! I swear all my life was was shopping with Katie around and I'm not even kidding.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Brent and Todd, Sam was away today not that I minded but he was the only guy out of them all that I actually knew well. He was in my English class and we had ran in the track team before plus he's one of my brothers friends. They were chatting and pointing in our direction, weird I thought to myself.

"Hello! Is there anyone in there!" Katie waved her hands around in front of my face. See what I mean, I have a tendency to day dream or zone out.

"Yes," I gaze at her. "Shopping, I need to get some new books." I loved reading, but Katie thought I was crazy to love something like that. But hey, I think we all love reading, you just have to find a good book obviously. It was nice to just shut the world out for a while and step into a new world.

"Books, are you serious." She looks at me sternly. I can't help but stifle a giggle, she was so dramatic.

"Yes I am serious." I said crossing my arms and giving her a stern look back.

"But you have plenty at home. Can't you read those?" She asks asparated, knowing her she just doesn't want to spend any time wasting looking for books when she could be trying on all the clothes in the mall.

I sigh she didn't understand that you cant read the same book over again, it just didn't work that way. Well you could but it usually wasn't as enjoyable as the first time you read it. Before I could answers her the bell went. Finally, lunch time. I didn't realise how hungry I was. Actually screw that, I'm always hungry. Food is my life.

"Okay class, I will see you next week to learn about spaces atmospheres." Mrs Cramer informs us looking excited. Yay more boring space stuff.

"I'm pretty sure we don't need to learn about all that stuff unless we're going to become an astronaut." I whisper to Katie. She nods as we pick up our stuff and stand up to head outside. We usually wait a little until the rush of people have calmed down a bit but hey I'm hungry.

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