6 | Alone

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We came home to assist sam through his pain of being beaten by an old woman. To be honest it was quite funny. Once me and Tom kicked those three boys out of the house I rang Katie to check on her. The third time she picked up. I sagged in relief. This better be good.

"Katie are you all right?" She was whimpering into the phone I was worried sick something had happened.

"His condition has worsened!" She chokes into the phone. At least he wasn't dead I thought, but I wasn't about to say that to her. How could someone who was gong to die have his condition worsen?

"Hey it's alright." I soothed her ignoring my inner thoughts. I could hear voices in the background.

"I have to go." She chokes again. Really, a twenty second call.

I sigh, "Oh, okay well don't worry Katie everything's going to be okay." I said hoping it would make her feel at least a little better. She was so strong. It had been three years now with her dad like this. I really did feel for her. Her mum was very comforting but it was hard for her when she had to work because the treatment apparently cost a lot.

"Thanks georgia. I'll see you tomorrow." She says goodbye and hangs up. That was the shortest phone call ever. But I don't mind. She would want to get back to her dads side. I didn't blame her. If my mum or brother was in that situation id never leave there side. Ever.

Before I even calmed my thoughts my phone rang again. I look at the screen to see who it was. Sam answers, "Hey." It was defiantly not a females voice. I could be sure now that it was sam.

"Sam are you obsessed with me?" I ask seriously but he just laughs. What it seemed like he was. Knowing Katie she would have told me to be nice with a slap on the shoulder. Yes Katie that said 'be nice'.

"Yes I'm obsessed with you Georgia." He says sarcastically. Well at least I hope so.

"Okay what do you really want?" I ask getting to the point. I knew he already had my number. He just hardly rang me and I hardly rang him. So you could say I was a bit shocked he had rang me but then again I shouldn't be. We are friends and all but we just hang with two different crowds.

"I just wanted to say thanks for tonight." He says sincerely. "I mean that's a guarantied A plus right." That's when I stifle a laugh. Probably only an A cause I rushed there's a bit. Mine got an A plus though. And was he thanking me for getting him beaten up by an old lady. Oh, and Todd filmed it too so hopefully it would be a hit on you tube.

"Probably just an A." I admit with a laugh.

"That's cool. I actually got some work done so it's all cool." He really liked to say cool I think to myself. I was about to say something about him getting beaten up but I hear a huge crash downstairs. Out of curiosity I stand up and start to head outside my door.

"Just wait Sam." And I pull the phone away from my ear. I rush down the stairs and gasp at Tom lying on the ground below the stairs. He was lying there limp and I couldn't tell what was wrong. I race down the stairs and go down on my knees and shake Tom. He doesn't even flinch. He's limp in my grasp and just falls back down to the ground.

"Georgia is everything alright?" I heard Sam asking, even though the phone was in my hand and away from my ear.

I ignore him and keep shaking Tom. I wasn't getting a response though. He must have rolled his ankle again and went down the stairs. I start to panic, why won't he wake up? "Its Tom." I cry into the phone out of fear. I needed help. Tom needs help.

"Wait I'm coming over now." He says and then I hear him hang up. Maybe I should call an ambulance first though. No Sam was coming probably driving like a maniac and would crash on the way just creating another accident. The need of the ambulance I needed now.

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