34 | A Raged Sam

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"So Terhune?" Katie asks as she leans against Todd's car. This was my last day at school before me and Brent headed of to Terhune, which by the way I had no idea where that was. Tomorrow night we'd have tea with Brent's parents and somehow tell mum about all that has happened lately. I know that she wouldn't take it well but somehow this had to work. She didn't really have a choice with all this, it is what's happening and there wasn't much she or anyone could do about it. So we had to suck it up.

"Yep," I say as I pop the p moving beside Katie to lean against the car, "by the way I have no idea where it is." I tell her as I search the carpark for Todd and Brent who should be heading our way. They did tell us that they had a footy meeting first but they also told us that they were really quick. So really they should be here about now.

"Well at least you'll both be safe." Katie says with a warm smile as she leans across giving me an awkward side ways hug.

"Yeah, but I hope you guys will be okay." I tell her as I pull away. I can't help but be worried about them, Brent's dad might know about them and if he did they were in danger too. We couldn't be sure if he did know about them but the police said that they should be fine and Brent and I were the only ones to worry about. But really you could never be sure so I still worried about them. If anything happened to them I would never forgive myself.

"Well be absolutely fine." She says as she waves her hand to wave of the subject.

"Anyway aren't you guys having the big tea tomorrow night?" She asks curiously as she twirls one of her blonde locks around her finger. Yes, the big tea was tomorrow night. Yippee, I couldn't help but be nervous every of how mum would take it.

"Yes, I can't wait." I say sarcastically with a heavy sigh at the end.

"It should be fine." She says encouragingly with another wave of the hand, she was loving the hand waves.

"Yeah..." I go to continue and say another sarcastic comment but I hear the schools doors crash open and a bloody and bruised Brent come flying through the doors. He flys through and falls on his back on the gravel of the car park. Following him through the door comes a raged sam.

"Brent!" I cry out as Katie and I rush over to the boys worried. Todd comes rushing out of the doors behind sam.

"Sam stop it!" Todd cries as he goes and grabs sam by the shoulder trying to stop him. But sam turns on his heel angrily and swing his fist into Todd's face earning Todd a bruised cheek. I didn't know we could bruise that quick.

"Todd!" Katie cries as she heads over to Todd. That's when the boys notice us and Brent gives me a pained look as to tell me to go back to the car but of course I ignore him.

"What's going on here?!" I ask frustrated as I turn to sam who seems to be the bad person of the situation. He gives me one glance before turning back to Brent but I don't give up that easy as I walk in front of sam. He reaches out and pushes me to the side slamming me roughly into a car. I fall to my knees on the asphalt as my back had hit the car door handle, trust me, it's painful. I felt a pulling feeling or a tight feeling go down my spine and then shoot up, it kept going too but I just tried to ignore it.

Brent was starting to stand but sam had walked up to him kneeing him in his side and Brent crumpled back down to the ground. "Sam stop it!" I cry out but it comes out pained and sounding slightly weak, sam turns to look at me. I see the realisation flood to his eyes of what he's doing and he turns back to Brent and then at Todd.

"I...I," Sam stutters and it's barely audible, he quickly turns on his heel and sprints to his car. I see him start his car and he speeds out of the car park not giving us a second glance. Once sam is gone I come back to my senses and see Brent lying on his back on the ground.

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