14 | Maybe A Double Date

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I was blocking my ears from the terrible sound of everyone singing the 'wheels on the bus go round and round' in the cramped car. Todd was driving and somehow I didn't feel very safe with that. Katie was sitting next to him in the front and I was in the middle in the back with Brent and Sam. Brent and Katie weren't singing now because Brent said it was ridiculous because they weren't in a bus. I thought he might just say it's ridiculous because we aren't a bunch of five year olds.

"This is ridiculous. We're not even in a bus and were singing this." He said seriously.

Finally we arrived at the mall after the torture in the car. I quickly undid my seatbelt and climbed over Brent before he could even get out. I breathed in the fresh air and listened to the sound of silence it was beautiful.

"So where first?" Sam asked as he jumped out of the car and walked over to us now all huddled in a circle.

"Books." Brent said as he looked at me and grabbed my hand in his. I smiled at him and felt all eyes on us. Feeling the tension I came up with something to say and do.

"How about we meet somewhere for lunch at twelve." Everyone nodded in agreement and Brent squeezed my hand and lent over close to whisper in my ear.

"Your not just a pretty face are you." I felt myself blush and then looked in Todd and Katie's direction. The poor thing was already being hauled of to shop till he dropped, literally. I stifled a laugh.

"What's so funny?" Sam asked looking around for the something I must have laughed at.

"Poor Todd having to go with Katie." I said as I pointed in their direction, they were already entering Katie's all time favourite clothes shop and would probably be there all afternoon. Suddenly Sam's phone rang and he pulled it out of his back pocket frowning at it.

"What is it?" Brent said with concern on his face as we looked at Sam.

"I have to go." He said as he slid his phone in his pocket and walked over to his car.

"Why?" I asked as I pulled free of Brent's grasp and slunk over to Sam as he hopped in his car.

"Emergency." He said as he closed the door in my face, how rude!

"Um excuse me!" I tapped on his window and I could hear him groan inside and slowly wind down the window.

"Footy emergency, happy." He leaned forward to close for my likening and I shifted so I didn't look rude but so he wasn't in my face. Brent had walked up and saw the close proximity and frowned at Sam who glared back at him.

"What footy emergency?" Brent asked like that glare thing never happened, amazing mood swing.

"It's none of your business." Sam said not forgetting about the glare thing.

"Actually it kind of is because I'm on that footy team and so is Todd." Brent scoffed at him and held his stare, eventually Sam looked down.

"I just gotta go." Sam said as he looked up at Brent. "And you can't stop me." Sam wound up his window and revved it as he drove out of the malls car park and sped down the road.

"Wow." I said not realising what I'd just witnessed and that I'd just said that.

"He's a bastard." Brent said as he walked of, I couldn't believe he'd said that. They were friends. Well at least that's what I thought. They seemed to get along fine before.

I stood there dumbfounded while Brent stormed of. I mean I think they were friends but they had this common fight going on. Whenever Todd was around they were all good though. I realised that Brent had made it halfway to the mall already. "Hey wait!" I called out to him as I ran (well tried to run) over to him as quick as I could. He didn't slow down for me and didn't even turn around.

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