23 | I Like Your Mum

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"You should really consider eating Georgia." Katie pesters me once again. After the funeral we came home and only to find out that Katie had followed us home along with Brent and Todd.

Brent and Todd were now upstairs looking through our games cupboard while me and Katie were sitting on the couch doing nothing and we had been for three hours.

"I will when I'm hungry and if you haven't got the message yet but I'm not hungry." I tell her as I shoot her and aspirated look. Some girls eat when there upset others don't. Katie was one to bury herself in chocolate and ice cream and I was a girl to shut the world out for a few weeks.

"Here have some ice cream, it'll make you feel better." She says as she hands me a spoon which I drop on the floor in front of me.

"You really are something Georgia, turning down ice cream." I hear her sigh but I don't bother looking in her direction she'd still be stuffing her face with ice cream which was actually ours from our house in our fridge. So now she would owe us about two litres of ice cream, I was just wondering were she put it all. Katie wasn't fat, where did she put it?

"We found Uno!" Todd exclaims as he comes bounding down the stairs with a pack of uno cards in his hands.

"Yay!' Katie squeals beside me and hops up to hug her beloved boyfriend whilst I drag myself of the couch to take the uno cards from him and start shuffling them.

"We also found, guess who and scrabble and Cluedo." Brent calls from upstairs as he slowly comes down the stairs balancing three board game boxes. His concentrated expression is so cute.

"What's Cluedo?" Todd asks as he helps Brent bring down the games. I can't help but gawk, he doesn't know what Cluedo is?

"Only the best game in the world!" I tell him.

"Nah, uno's the best." Todd argues but I don't bother arguing back. Todd could get pretty passionate about what he argues about and emotional.

We all sit down on the floor in a circle square thing but I move closer to Brent making it a triangle. I lean in his shoulder and he plays with my hair as Todd hands us all our cards.

"Your going to have to sit further away from each other if you don't want him to see your cards Georgia." Katie tells me but I think she knows I don't care, unlike her I'm not very competitive. Well at least not for card games.

"I don't mind if he sees my cards Katie." I tell her with an eye roll. "Unlike you I'm not going to kill anyone who try's to peek at my cards, just warning you guys she will." I tell them this with a serious tone because I am serious she would kill you if you peeked at her cards.

Brent chuckles with makes me move so I slap him which I stupid because then he moves a whole lot more eventing in me falling flat on my back.

"Brent!" I scold him. He turns to me with a crooked smile and he leans down to me obviously oblivious to the pair of spectators we have like usual. "Sorry babe." I'm surprised he actually says it with meaning.

"Did you just call me babe?" I can't help but question him as he moves closer so our noses are touching.

"Yes is there a problem with that." He says cheekily as he moves his body against mine.

"No I guess not." I tell him as I smile as I wrap my arms around him, I just didn't ever imagine him calling me babe or for it to come out of his mouth.

"Okay!" I hear Todd clap behind us to get our attention but it doesn't work we just stay in the same position.

"Here Todd, we'll leave these guys to it and have our own version of this in the other lounge why don't we?" Katie says as she stands and takes Todd's hand as she leads him away.

"Ahh. Alone at last." Brent says as he leans to my lips and kisses me gently. Eventually I pull away and I push him of me.

"Did you know?" I ask him.

"Did I know what?" He asks as he turns on his side to face me.

"That we have oh so wonderful school tomorrow." I tell him with it dripping with sarcasm.

"Yes I do and we'd better go, I mean you haven't been for weeks." He says with a chuckle.

"Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if they take me down a grade or two." I say with no sarcasm this time.

"I'm sure they'll understand." Brent says referring to the fact that I'd just suffered a loss to my family. It's funny to think that was how I kinda had gotten closer to Brent.

It had brought us together. I guess really I could thank Tom for this wonderful guy laying across from me and Todd and Sam. I'd only known them for a week but it felt as if I'd known them my whole life and to tell the truth I think that maybe what had happened had happened for a reason, to bring us all together.

"Hey Brent, you know that I love you right." I say ending the silence.

"As do I love you." He says as he leans forward and kisses me lightly on the forehead.

"Eep!" We both turn to see my mum in the door way looking our way. "Georgia! You never told me he was your boyfriend!" She exclaims excitedly as she bounces up and down. It's then that I am certain I'm adopted.

"This is so exciting!" She says. I thought she knew, I didn't think I had to tell her. Brent was always over, isn't that a little suspicious? Wasn't it obvious enough?

"He has a name mum." I tell her. "Of course it's bill or is it bob?" By now Brent is shaking uncontrollably trying to hold in his laughter.

"It's bill mum." I tell her trying to make it sound obvious but I think I'm struggling to keep in the laughter.

"Oh I thought so!" She said taking the bait. "Well bill why don't you stay for tea tonight?" Mum asks. Brent not being a party pooper just nods politely still trying to keep in all the laughter. "Oh this is exciting!" Mum says as she sashays out of the room into the kitchen obviously to make tea.

"I like your mum." Brent says simply as he turns back to me.

"Well let's see if you still think that at tea time." I say smiling at him as I get up to invite Katie and Todd to tea.


"This is going to be funny." Katie says as we are washing our hands.

"What, the fact that the boys are gonna be feeling sick or that fact that we're eating with my mum who will embarrass me." I say.

"Both." She laughs at me as she flicks the water of her hands and on my face.

I scowl at her as I get my wet hands and wipe them all over her. She squeals at me as she wets her and a again and does the same to me. I squeal as well as I grab a cup sitting nearby and fill it with water. She looks at me with wide eyes as she backs away but not in time to get away from me.

"Georgia, you wouldn't!" She cries as she continues to back away. I just smile cheekily at her and tip the water on her. Ha ha.

"Georgia!" She cries out at me. She scowls deeply as I laugh at her.

"Girls!" I stop laughing then. I mean my mum can be pretty scary when she wants to be. I slowly turn to find my mum with an amused expression on her face.

"Mum, why do you look amused?" I ask her as I peer curiously at her.

"Oh, you just remind me of one of my friendships when I was younger." She tells us and I shrug going to walk out but that's when I notice she has her hands behind her back.

I obviously notice this to late as I feel cold water splash me all over. I turn and scowl deeply at my mum and Katie who are now laughing so hard there standing there with no noise coming out and clapping like a restarted seal.

Mum drops the bucket that held the water in it so I reach for it and quickly fill it using the shower. Katie catches on and slams the door shut behind mum. Ha ha mum. I then tip the whole bucket of cold water on mum.

When I step away from her I look to find her laughing too. Oh yeah, I'm laughing as well.

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