38 | Together Forever

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Brent's P.O.V

When I first saw Georgia it was three years ago. I saw her with her brother Tom running around the block just for some excercise. They didn't see me but I didn't mind that. I may have been and still am the most popular guy at school (other than Sam and Todd) but I liked being in the shadows. I liked watching other people and I wasn't really a fan for standing out.

But Georgia didn't even try to stand out, you could just tell. But she did stand out. She was amazing in every way. Not only was she a good looker (and still is) but she had all these qualities that just made her amazing. She still does and I love her. I love Georgia and there's no other way I would have that.

She was simply just beautiful, well that and hot and pretty and everything good all wound up in one. There was absolutely anything I would do for her, anything.

"Brent!? Hello!?" My mum waves her hands in my face. Well, Sue my foster mum but I've just always excepted her as my mum.

"Yeah?" I question her as I turn my gaze way from Georgia on the phone. Her mum had rung her to check up on her and so of course Georgia would probably be on the phone for a while now.

"You just completely zoned out for a while, are you alright?" She asks me concern all over her face.

"I'm great." I reply thinking back to my thought before. Georgia. All you have to do is mention her and I'm so happy and blushy (don't know if that's a word but anyway) that I think I might have a problem. I didn't know it was possible to love someone this much. I use to not understand how in the movies everything in the couples lives would just fall into place and all they needed was eachother.

But now I did. I understood how all you could need was each other, she was all I needed. I understood the fact of how things fall into place. They don't necessarily fall into place but if you have each other they seem to vanish.

Every time I was with Georgia everything in this world just seemed to vanish and I felt peace for once. My life hasn't been the best but now it was.

My life had been full of conflict, endless amounts of it. Endless Conflict. But now being the idiot I am I've invited her into my life, not that I want her to leave but now she has to deal with it. The conflict and the pain it brings. All my life I had pushed everybody away because I didn't want them involved or in danger. Now I had done just the opposite and my dad was after her. I'm stupid. I'd already lost my whole family and I couldn't possibly lose Georgia.

When I first started hanging out with Georgia I tried to get over my feelings. I didn't want to be with her because it could bring her into the danger my life is. But I couldn't get away from her, the more I got to know her the more I wanted to disobey my own rule. The more I wanted her, the more I needed her.

"And there you go, zoning out again." I hear my mum sigh. I look to her and smile ammused, it wasn't my fault that Georgia was so distracting. The way she was standing against the wall and scrunching her cute little face up at something her mum was saying. The way she now bit her lip making it hard for me not to go over to her and just kiss her. Now she pushed herself of the wall with her hip, oh her hips. Don't get me started, they were amazing to lay my hands on when she as close to me. And her smile the way it lit up...

Snap! I hear my mum click her snappy fingers in front of my face. Yep, I zoned out again. "Brent, really, are you alright?" She asks me. I look to her and take on her curious eyes. I loved Sue (you know as family) she had always been there for me and was just so easy to talk to. I could talk to her about anything and she never seemed fazed.

"Do you think I did the right thing?" I ask her as I look at my beautiful girlfriend still on the phone. Maybe I shouldn't have brought her into my life, maybe then she'd be safer.

Mum follows my gaze to see me looking at Georgia. I see her face turn into a small smile, "I think you did the right thing." She tells me with reassurance.

"But now she's in danger," I sigh, "would it have been better if we'd never crossed paths?" I ask mum.

She looks at me with her wise old eyes, "Well you tell me Brent, would you have rather not be with her now?" She asks me. I don't think she even needs to ask that, she knows the answer to that. I couldn't imagine not have meeting Georgia.

"Exactly." She says seeing my expression. I nod in agreeance.

Maybe now Georgia was in danger with me but she had had a chance to back down. I was surprised when she didn't run away+. The only reason I had hid my past from her for so long was because I didn't want to lose her. But she didn't run, she stayed with me and now here we were. Together.

And if I had anything to do with it, I would make it together + forever.

Together + forever = Together Forever. Yep, I'm a math whiz.

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