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"Oh hello girls, how can I help you?" Once Brent had hung up on me I decide that he had It coming for him. Katie and I abandoned home and left to go buy some water balloons.

"Yes just these please." I say as I hand the balloons over the counter to the girl. She eyes us suspiciously before going back to normal and doing her job.

"So is Todd meetings us there?" I ask as Katie gets of the phone to Todd, we had decided to invite him for help too wet Brent. Plus we thought he might want to watch.

"Yes he's on his way there now." She says with pride.

"Awesome." I say before I thank the cashier lady and we quickly run out to my car and start our way to Brent's house.

"This is the funniest thing I've done in ages!" Katie says excitedly. "You come up with the best ideas Georgia." I give her a warm smile.

"Of course I do, I'm me aren't I?" I say amused, this was going to be funny. We pull into the long drive way and may be speeding. Maybe? No we are. We want to beat him home from his *meeting* so when he walked in the door we got an easy shot. We race up the stairs and don't even bother knocking.

"Todd!" Katie squeals out for him.

"What are you guys doing here?" Bailey asks as he walks out of a lounge room.

"We're here to pull a prank on Brent when he gets home." I tell him honest and I see him brighten up.

"Well in that case do you need help?" He asks with a sly grin as I can't help but laugh.

"Yes wheres Todd?" Katie asks from behind me.

"Oh yeah he's in the kitchen with mum, he mentioned something about needing water." Me and Katie share a look, yes lots of water it says.

"Yeah, we do need water." I say mischievously as I pull the packet of water balloons out of my pocket and baileys face light up even more. To think that this was the moody boy at the dinner we had would be impossible.

"Come on." He says as he grabs me and Katie's arms lightly pulling us in the direction of the kitchen where we can hear Todd and Brent's mum and I think maybe Connor.

"Hey!" Kate and I say at the sam time as we walk in.

"Hi!" Everyone says. Connors sitting at the table stuffing his face with food and when he talks he dribble a little. Yuck. That's why I will put of having kids until I become immune to the boogers dribble and poop. Which will probably be never. Poor brent, he might have to wait a while.

"Have you got the balloons?" Todd asks and I chuck him the bag.

"We're going to need a bucket." I tell Bailey who's of before i finish my sentence.

"What are you guys doing?" Connor asks. "Todd told mummy but he wouldn't tell me." He says this with a pout on his face, adorable. That kid will be breaking some hearts soon. He follows after his brother, not with the breaking thing with the adorable thing.

"We're going to give Brent a little shower I guess." I tell him as I start to help Todd fill the balloons up with Katie in the sink.

"Why, does he smell?" Connor asks innocently and I nearly drop my balloon along with Katie and Todd.

"Yes he does actually." Todd says and Katie gives him a shove but I just laugh. If anything he smells nice, not that I was going to tell them that.

"Why is it funny?" Connor asks innocently again.

"Oh no it's not I guess." I say.

"Don't worry kids I'll buy him some stronger deodorant next time I'm at the super market." Brent's mum says, I nearly forgot she was in here.

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