22 | Tom

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I don't think I'd ever been so upset in my life. They had the coffin open, Tom laying in it. Lifeless. That is when the reality of it really sunk in. We'd met Katie and Todd at the front gate and mum was standing beside the coffin with my family, just her siblings. We had invited only family but plenty of toms friends turned up and a lot of girls too.

Everyone was a mess, in tears or choking back sobs. I could tell Brent was trying to be strong for me but he was a mess too. Nearly as bad as me. We were at the burial site just before they were putting him in the ground and it was our turn at the coffin.

With Katie beside me I leaned over Tom to his ear. "I know you can't hear me," I said as I took a shaky breath holding back the flood gates. "but I love you and always will." This is when I broke tears flowing down my cheeks and onto his straight face. "I love you Tom and will never forget you." I say this as wipe away the tears that have fallen from my face to his. "You were more than a brother to me, you were my best friend." I choked on each word as Katie was crying listening to my talk to Tom. I leaned further down and pecked him on the forehead, where I used to when I was little. "Bye Tom." I whisper.

They close the coffin and lower him to the ground as me and Katie hold each other not ashamed of the tears flowing down our cheeks.

"Georgia!" It's my mum, she rushes to me and pulls me into her arms like she did when I was little and we fall to the ground shaking with sobs and I believe we were there for hours.

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