31 | Game Plan

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"Ow!" I cried for the fifth time rubbing my head where the ball had slammed into me once again.

"Do you mind Kyle?" I ask as I look to him and I see his grin. He's always hitting me with the stupid ball.

"Maybe you should have moved out of the way of the ball and it wouldn't have hit you." Hugo laughs as Jarred laughs along with him. I was trying to hit the ball over the net didn't they see that. They were still laughing so obviously not.

"Maybe we should swap spots." Brent says behind me and I turn my anger on him.

"Yeah, you could have said that after I got hit maybe like a couple of hours ago." He pretends to look hurt but he moves and switches spots with me as he moves closer to the stupid net and I move back with Todd.

Why they decided to place me and Katie at the front I would never understand. Our team consisted of all the love birds. Meaning Todd and Katie and Brent and I, also Connor because he wanted to play with us but at the moment he was building sand castles in the sand below our feet so.....yeah he wasn't exactly on our team. So yes, four onto eight. Very fair? No. We were being smashed. By a lot. Actually I don't think we had scored yet.

"Okay, you guys ready to be defeated?" Corey asks as he gets ready to serve and win, once again.

"No!" Brent calls as he waves his hands in the air. "We need to have team huddle." He tells the other team and they all sigh.

"I don't care, we're having a team huddle." Brent says as he turns to us ignoring the boys.

"Okay team here's our plan." He says as we huddle in and talk in whispers. "The plans quite simple really." He looks at each one of us.

"Hit the damn thing over the net?" Todd asks and I think he's right. Well that was what we were trying to do.

"Duh, that's the whole point of the game babe." Katie says as she playfully slaps Todd on the shoulder which actually looks kinda awkward because we're in a huddle so she has to move her arm of his shoulders to slap him. So yes it failed. I can't help but laugh at her failure.

"Okay guys concentrate." Brent's says as he gives Todd a look that could kill if he wanted it too. I hoped that I'd never get that look.

"Sorry." Todd mumbles as he looks to the ground or sand.

"We need to work together and I have a way to do that." Brent says and he looks serious so I try to take him seriously but he's never serious so it's hard to take him serious.

"Well honey," I draw out, "do you plan to tell is this amazing plan." I say as I turn to him and he looks at me blankly but then his lips pull up into a smile.

"Did you just call me honey?" He asks still smiling as his arm that was on my shoulder moves down to my waist.

"Yes, now the plan please." I ask him sweetly as I can, which isn't very sweet at all.

"Okay, well if it's high I want you to run to me and I'll lift you up so you can slam it down over the net straight to the ground." He says proudly but keeps his voice down not wanting the boys to hear.

"Okay," I say still insure, "how's that gonna keep us winning?" I ask and he gives me another smile.

"You aren't just a pretty face are you." I shove him lightly annoyed at him always flirting. Why, and with an audience. I turn and yes I see Todd and Katie watching amused.

"Your plan idiot, how its gonna keep us winning?" I repeat my question but this time I add the idiot for good measure.

"Because we're gonna say the last point wins and that will be us." He says triumphantly but I just give him a blank stare.

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