5 ❋ Joe

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~ can we just take 174850593727293 moments to fangirl about joe in this gif. literally do me ~

I came home to the smell of burnt food and loud music playing through the apartment. I rolled my eyes as I walked into the lounge and saw Caspar attempting to create something in the kitchen - judging by the acrid smell of smoke, he wasn't succeeding. I put the camera down on the dining room table.

"Oh hi Joe. You're just in time for dinner!" Caspar said joyfully as he scraped a charred meet patty onto a bread bun. I wrinkled my nose, completely repulsed.

"Jesus Christ Caspar, you've gone and burnt it!" I said, unable to believe that he was oblivious to his epic failure.

"I'm sure it's fine..." Caspar said as he piled on pieces of tomato, cheese, lettuce... I grimaced slightly as he put the top on the bun and brought it to his mouth. A few seconds into his hearty chewing he suddenly spat out his mouthful onto his plate.

"Fuck." He muttered, before running to the sink to rinse out his mouth. I shook my head, unable to keep a smile from spreading over my face.

"We can get pizza tonight mate." I said, walking into the kitchen to pat him on the back.

"Yeah... Ugh, I'm sorry Joe. It stinks in here now." Caspar looked slightly dejected as he stared at the pathetic mess of charred meat and half chewed bread on the plate before him. I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction - he genuinely looked put out. I helped him clear away the ingredients and turned on the extractor fan to get rid of the lingering smell of smoke.

"I mean, I thought I would try and make something for dinner... Since you made me clean the kitchen anyway." Caspar said, putting particular emphasis on the last part.

"Well done for trying..." I said, smirking at him. He rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone to ring the nearest Dominoes chain. I knew that my consequence for ordering pizza would be extra visits to the gym, and the thought me feel tired. I walked over to the dining room table while Caspar was ordering, wanting to hold the camera in my hands again.

It felt so solid and real grasped in my fingertips, so rich with history and worn with human touch. Something about it captivated me, but I couldn't fathom what it was. I lifted it up to my face, peering through the slightly dirt viewfinder. Everything looked less distinct through the glass - I turned the camera to our wooden floor and pressed the capture button. There was no flashbulb or even a shutter noise - only a dull clicking sound. I had absolutely no idea what that meant but I guessed that the film roll was finished.

I heard Caspar finish the phone call and approach me from behind. "Is that a camera? God that's ancient... Where did you find that?"

I had forgotten that Caspar didn't know about the camera. He gestured for me to pass it to him, so I somewhat reluctantly handed it over. "I was walking in Hyde Park about two weeks ago and I saw it sitting on the bench... I have no idea who it belongs to."

"Have you tried going back to the bench?" Caspar asked as he inspected the camera closely, his forehead creased in concentration.

"Well... Actually no I haven't." I said, realising in that instant how stupid I was.

"Joe! I bet if you went back the day after you found the damn thing the owner would've been there looking for it." Caspar said, and I knew he was probably right.

"I know, I know. I guess I just put it down on my desk and forgot about it."

Caspar tried taking a photo just like I did, however there was still no response from the camera.

Shutter ❋ Joe Sugg AUWhere stories live. Discover now