34 ❋ Joe

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"I'm starting to think I'm wasting my time with photography." Amelia whispered. It was a miracle I even heard what she said over the noises of the tube. We were heading back to her place after watching Wicked at Westend. It was the 3rd of January and Amelia still hadn't heard back from any of the companies to whom she had spoken to. Her repressed disappointment was finally bubbling to the surface, and my heart ached to see her like this.

"You can't let this set you back Lia. You are so talented. Maybe you aren't talking to the right people - there has to be someone in the industry who might recognise how incredible you are." I tried to comfort her, but her face was turned away from me.

"But what if I'm not incredible Joe." She sounded so dejected that I simply had to put my arm over her and pull her into my side.

"You bloody well are. Don't let the opinions of a few half-blind old people hold you back. I believe in you Lia, it sounds cheesy but it's true."

She finally looked at me, her brown eyes misty with rejection. "Do you really think I have what it takes?"

"Absolutely. You should be proud of yourself you nugget." I teased, and I was rewarded with a little smile.

"I hope you're right Joe." She sighed, before resting her head on my shoulder. I gently grasped her hand so I could feel her warmth. Her hands were so soft, delicate and careful, like the photos she took. I knew that someone would realise her talent one day. It was inspiring to witness her do what she loved, and I didn't want her to give it up.

We got off at her station and I suggested we stop at a nearby Wagamama's for dinner. She had no objection to this, and we walked the short distance to the restaurant. It was freezing outside, so by the time we got to the place our cheeks were burning and our lungs were practically frozen.

"Now I really feel like a hot noodle soup." Amelia said while we waited in line to be seated. This place was always really busy - hopefully we would actually get a table. Amelia looked a bit happier than she did on tube, thankfully. My encouragement had obviously helped her a bit.

We got to the front of the line and luckily were given a table for two. Amelia led the way into the heart of the noisy room, past steaming plates of food and tables full of chatty people. The smell was making my mouth water profusely.

Without warning, Amelia came to an abrupt halt. I was just able to stop myself from colliding with her back. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Uh... We should leave."

"What? Why?" I said, confused.

I followed her eyes and saw her looking at a table towards the back left corner of the room. Seated there was a couple of boys, both of them dark haired and almost too big to fit in their seats.

"Dan is here..." She murmured, turning to look at me as if gauging my reaction. I ran a hand through my messy hair and took a deep breath.


"Yeah." She was biting her lip while still looking at me expectantly.

"I mean... It's up to you really. Whether we leave or not." I shrugged. I obviously had a pent up anger towards the guy but as long as he didn't speak to us I didn't care about him being here.

Shutter ❋ Joe Sugg AUWhere stories live. Discover now