16 ❋ Amelia

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I sip on my tea slowly, appreciating every mouthful. We don't say much as we drink, however the silence is anything but awkward. It's just nice to be here with him, to see the gentle curve of his pink lips and the soothing colour of his eyes. It was a strange thing - hanging out with Joe was just so easy, so natural - I didn't have to prove anything or pretend to be something different.

I finished my tea and Joe took both our cups back to the kitchen. I suppressed a sigh when heard him start to load plates and other things into the dishwasher.

"Honestly Joe you don't have to do that. I don't expect you to clean up after me."

"I know, but I'm still going to do it."

I rolled my eyes and settled back onto the couch. I felt a smile spreading over my face, almost against my will - his stubbornness was endearing, and it just proved how sweet he was.

He spent about 5 minutes in the kitchen, loading up dishes, putting things into various cupboards and wiping the bench top. I watched him curiously from the couch - he had never been in our kitchen before, and I knew that he had put some of the things in the wrong place.

He eventually finished to his satisfaction and walked back over to the couches. He grabbed the plastic bag he brought with him and rummaged inside.

"I brought a random film we could watch, didn't actually check what it..."

He stopped talking and started to laugh.

"What is it?" I asked, craning my neck in order to see the dvd he held in his hands.

"Shrek..." He said, still smirking as he opened the plastic case.

"I haven't seen that movie since I was a little kid. Let's do it." I said, gesturing towards the TV to encourage him. He chuckled once more as he walked over to put the movie on. After a few mishaps he finally got it working and the familiar sound of Shrek and donkey eventually filled the room. Joe sat on the same couch as me, but he made sure not to sit close enough for contact.

It was sort of funny, watching him sit there on the couch, so conscious of where I was. I didn't know whether it was because of my sickness or because of something else entirely. I decided to have a little fun - the plastic bag containing a packet of cookies was on the coffee table, and in order for me to get it I would have to stretch forward and make contact with Joe.

I reached forward and my chest brushed against his leg. He tensed up immediately, and I heard him inhale sharply. I had to supress the urge to laugh out loud. I settled back down and opened the packet of cookies.

"Are you okay Joe?" I said while munching on a biscuit. I held out the packet for him to take one.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" He said, flashing me a smile that looked a little bit forced. He grabbed a cookie from out of the bag.

"It's like you're on edge - like just before, you tensed up when I touched you. Is it because I'm sick?"

He stared at me for a few seconds, and a genuine smile broke out on his face. "No no, nothing like that."

"What is it-"

"Sssh, this is my favourite part. Shrek's about to rescue Fiona!"

Shutter ❋ Joe Sugg AUWhere stories live. Discover now