11 ❋ Amelia

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the gif tho, cAn you hear my screAMS

It was nine pm when I arrived home, and I entered the lounge to a somewhat pitiful sight. Troye and Tyler were watching Mean Girls with a tub of ice cream between them, dressed in animal onesies no less.

"Mels! Where the hell have you been!" Tyler yelled as I walked over to sit on the empty couch. The two boys were sharing a blanket between them and I grinned at the adorable sight. Tyler's onesie was a cow and Troye's was a giraffe.

"You'll never guess what happened." I said, grinning at them both - I could barely contain my excitement.

"What!" Tyler whined. Troye eyed me expectantly with his bright blue eyes.

I opened my backpack and retrieved my camera. As soon as they realised what I was holding they both let out a high pitched squeal, jumping off the couch to envelope me in a group hug. My breathing was somewhat restricted as they both squeezed. Eventually they pulled away, and all of us were grinning widely.

"How did you find it? Did someone, like, come up to you on the street? Oh my god I'm so excited." Tyler rambled, his cheeks flushed red. I giggled at his flustered state - his reaction just proved how much he cared for me.

"Yeah... I guess that is what happened." I said, reflecting back on the events of the last few hours. My mind keep going round in circles, always coming back to Joe's captivating eyes and infectious smirk. I found myself wishing that time travel was possible, so I could go back and repeat everything. I wanted to be reminded of Joe's laugh, smile and smell one more time.

"So tell us what happened!" Troye exclaimed. The two boys in their animal onesies were back sitting on the couch, leaning forward in their enthusiasm.

So I told them everything. Well, I did leave out some details - like the surprise hug, and the constant staring, and the pounding heart, and the fact that even now I was thinking about him.

"Oh my god, we have to meet this guy. Was he hot?" Tyler asked, and I snorted because that was such a typical thing for him to say.

"Tyler! She has a boyfriend!" Troye scolded, however he turned to look at me quizzically as if he was challenging me to admit the truth. Perhaps he could read on my face that Joe was indeed hot - maybe even more than just 'hot'.

"I mean... I don't know..." I stuttered, staring out of our window. I could see a lit up billboard advertising Colgate toothpaste, so I kept my eyes locked on that. I didn't want to give anything away.

"It's a simple question Mels. Dan isn't here, you can tell us the truth. Was he hot or wasn't he?" Tyler said, smirking devilishly at my unease.

"Okay okay, he was pretty attractive." I said, however I was making a drastic understatement.

"Anyway, that doesn't matter. What really matters is that you have your camera back! This is so great Mels." Troye said, sending a radiant white smile my way. I nodded, feeling so happy that I was almost afraid of bursting. Today was probably the best day I've had in a long, long time.

"I think you should take some photo's - I bet you've missed that the most." Troye said, and Tyler nodded enthusiastically in agreement. I couldn't argue with him there - not being able to capture moments was probably the hardest thing for me in those long weeks, and now I was dying to feel the weight of the camera in my hands, to hear the abrupt shutter sound and to see the bright flash.

Shutter ❋ Joe Sugg AUWhere stories live. Discover now