20 ❋ Amelia

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The universe was clearly not kind to me that night, because the second I left the apartment it began pouring down with rain. I had to run through the torrents unsheltered, because of course I didn't bring an umbrella with me. I was panting for breath and literally soaked by the time I arrived at the tube station.

By some miracle I remembered what route to take for Joe's place, and I sat in my drenched clothes for the entire train ride. It was also quite late at night, so I was one of the only passengers on the train - I felt like some kind of gutter rat.

When I got to the right station I had to run through yet another torrent of rain - water was pooling off me when I finally came to the right building. I couldnt wait to get inside, if Joe was even there. I shuddered at the thought of him not being there, after what I just went through.

I pressed the buzzer and was let in quite promptly - whether it was Joe or Caspar's doing, I didn't know. I hurried towards the lift and took it to the correct floor. I had to supress a laugh at the wet patch I left on the elevator floor - hopefully it would dry before someone else saw it.

I walked through the hallway towards Joe's front door, wiping the raindrops away from my face and fixing my bedraggled hair as I went. There was no saving my clothes however, which were thoroughly saturated. Thankfully I had no electronic devices on my person, or else they would've been ruined.

I knocked on the door a few times, waited for about a minute and then suddenly came face to face with a beautiful girl - her hair was ombre with faded blonde roots, her makeup looked flawless and her eyes were wide and crystal blue. I felt my heart sink - maybe Joe had moved on already.

"Uh... Is Joe here?" I said bluntly, as the blue eyed girl stared at me quizzically. It was like she was trying to figure out if she recognised me.

"Yeah he is... I'll call him for you." She smiled, and I noticed how her small round face scrunched up delicately when she did. She radiated happiness. It made me just a little bit sick.

"No, no. I'll let you get back to him, I'll just see him another time."

"I'm his sister, Zoe Sugg. Just in case there's any confusion..." She said, raising her hands as she spoke.

I blinked a few times, and wiped away a lingering droplet which came from my soaking wet hair. Now that I actually looked at the petite girl before me, the similarities she held with Joe were uncanny. The small frame. The bright smile. The thick hair. It was glaringly obvious. I chuckled a little bit and smiled back at her, because she probably thought I was terribly rude.

"Zoe, who's at the door..." Joe suddenly appeared, in all of his perfectly imperfect glory. He was wearing a loose white singlet and grey track pants that could've easily passed as pyjamas. His hair was messy and unkempt, his eyes slightly hooded. He looked tired but still achingly gorgeous.

"Joe." I breathed, slightly stunned by the sight of him. It had been a day since I last saw him, but it felt like years.

"Amelia... What are you do- I mean, come inside. You look drenched." Joe fumbled with his words, and ran a hand through his messy hair.

"I don't think you've met my sister before... This is Zoe. Zoe, this is Amelia." Joe said as we walked into the lounge. I was conscious of water dripping from my clothes onto the floor but chose not to say anything. I looked once more at the girl walking next to Joe and she smiled another sweet smile at me.

"You're the girl with the camera, aren't you? The one Joe was looking for?"

"Yes Zoe." Joe interrupted before I could say anything. We were all stood in the lounge awkwardly, and it was clear that Joe wanted Zoe to leave.

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