8 ❋ Amelia

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We took the tube to our usual club, which was already rowdy when we arrived. I enjoyed walking into those doors, attracting the lustful gaze of every male in the vicinity. We never had to wait in line for this place - the bouncer had an obvious crush on Tyler, and for that reason we were always let in before the rest.

The lights in the club were colourful and bright, making everything appear as a black silhouette. The bodies on the dance floor writhed and swayed to the intoxicating beat, and the atmosphere in the building was electric. Tyler wasted no time in ordering us a round of shots - it was his turn to shout tonight.

After that, the hours blurred into an incoherent mess of dancing, sweating, drinking and forgetting. I didn't stop for anyone, and when nameless men wrapped their hands around my waist I let them - I didn't care about anything except the music. That was my favourite thing about clubbing - the feeling of euphoria that came from a little bit of alcohol and music blaring through speakers. There was something about the club that made me feel on top of the world, like nothing could touch me.

Although I wished I could keep dancing all night, my muscles eventually started to complain and the fatigue began to settle in. It also didn't help that I was thoroughly intoxicated, no thanks to the cocktails that Tyler kept on buying me. I think it was about 2am when I pushed my way out of the crowd of sweaty bodies, my eyes scanning the bar for Troye and Tyler. I could barely see anything because of the limited light and cloud of smoke hanging in the air. Drunk guys approached me as I walked over to the bar, and I gently pushed them away before they could say anything.

I felt someone grip my forearm tightly, however I realised it was only Tyler when he pressed a sloppy kiss to my cheek. I smiled at him, even though he probably couldn't see it properly in this light.

"Are we going now Mels?" Tyler sounded like a sleepy child. I could barely hear him over the pounding of the bass.

"Yeah, we've just gotta find Troye. Where is he Ty?" I asked, scanning the bar yet again. Tyler looked slightly worried as he too looked for Troye. My eyes landed on a pair of lanky boys seated at the end of the bar, leaned in close as they spoke to each other. I couldn't be sure, but I thought I recognised Troye's patterned shirt on one of them.

I dragged a very drunk Tyler over to the pair. As we got closer I could immediately see it was Troye sitting on that stool, talking intimately with this unknown boy. Because I was drunk, common ettiquite and manners flew completely out the window.

"TROYE! WE'RE GOING NOW!" I shouted, my voice louder than necessary. He turned away from his conversation to frown at me. I felt Tyler's grip on my arm tense as he finally became aware of his surroundings. Troye's companion looked on at us both with an amused smirk on his handsome face.

"What? It's not even late!" Troye whined, and it almost seemed like he was embarrassed by us by the way his gaze flickered nervously between us and mystery boy.

"Well we're fucking leaving now, are you coming or not?" Tyler said in a venomous tone. Everyone seemed surprised by this outburst - I glanced sideways at him, and he was directing his burning gaze both at Troye and his friend. If I didn't know better I would say he was jealous.

"Jesus Christ, okay. I'm sorry Connor, I've got to go." Troye said apologetically to the boy.

Connor nervously tried to avoid Tyler's red hot gaze as he replied. "Okay, it was great talking to you Troye... You, uh, have my number. I'll see you around." He said uncomfortably as he stood up from his bar stool. I watched him go - he was probably intimidated by the murderous vibes Tyler was giving out.

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