12 ❋ Amelia

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I woke up late, to the sound of Tyler laughing heartily in the lounge and the sizzling of bacon in a pan. I rubbed my eyes free of sleep and walked into the lounge, where the smell of cooking hit me.

"Just in time for breakfast Mels!" Troye exclaimed as he lifted multiple streaks of bacon from the frying pan and onto a plate. There was also a plate piled with toast, a bowl filled with steaming hot baked beans and some fried eggs in another pan. Troye had only just gotten his cast off yesterday, so he was making every excuse to use his arm in some way or another.

"The food calls to me." I said in a somewhat croaky voice, taking a seat on our breakfast bar next to Tyler. He was already piling items of food onto his plate.

I wasted no time in devouring my own plate full of food - I was always ravenously hungry in the mornings. Even Tyler couldn't keep up with me.

"I honestly don't know how you manage to stay slim." Tyler said in disbelief as I scraped my plate clean and took it to the kitchen sink.

"Fast metabolism?" I shrugged, grinning at Tyler as he rolled his eyes dramatically.

"That's what all the skinny bitches say." Tyler said, and Troye snorted into his orange juice. The two of them were still dressed in onesies even though it was about 10:30.

"Don't you guys have stuff to do today?" I asked. Tyler had a job as a manager at an investment firm downtown - which he constantly bagged on because he was supposedly 'under appreciated'. Troye had the most interesting job of us all - he produced and recorded music, and was currently working on his own EP. He occasionally posted cover videos online and a shit ton of people watched them.

"Yeah, we called in sick." Tyler said, grinning slyly at a nervous looking Troye. I raised my eyebrows at him, and he nodded - somehow Tyler had convinced the most wholesome and polite boy on Earth to pull a sicky.

"You two are unbelievable." I muttered, shaking my head as I walked out of the lounge and back to my room.

I heard Troye speaking in a hushed tone as I walked away; "Do you think they'll find out? Maybe we shouldn't be doing this Tyler."

I chuckled lowly, hearing Tyler respond but not quite catching his words. I had to get to work by 11:30, so I had half an hour to get myself ready. I had a shower, fixed my untameable mop of hair and put on a layer of foundation to improve my pale autumn complexion.

I put on my Tesco's uniform (which was looking suspiciously like it needed a wash) and walked back through the lounge towards the front door. I felt a grape collide with the side of my head, and I turned to poke my tongue out at a giggling Troye. Him and Tyler were on the couch with their laptops open, probably scrolling through Tumblr.

"Have fun at work!" Tyler said in an overly enthusiastic tone and I glowered at him from the front door. He winked cheekily, which I responded to by pulling the fingers.

I spent the tube ride to work thinking about yesterday - how it began as any other day, and it developed into something perfect. I thought about how easily I could've never crossed paths with Joe, and I wondered if the universe planned for us to meet. I shook off the thought and distracted myself by finally reading the messages Dan sent me last night.

Dan: (5:17 pm) heyy x

Dan: (5:31 pm) don't ignore me or else I'll cut you

Dan: (5:45pm) lol i'm just kidding bby, i'll just destroy you with my cuddles


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