27 ❋ Joe

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I woke up to the sound of another persons breathing, and for a moment panic set in - until I remembered it was Amelia, beautiful Amelia who felt just as good as she looked. I was elated - there was no other word to describe it. My entire body felt lighter than air, my lips automatically fell into a smile and my eyes remained closed peacefully. I reached out my fingertips under the covers and felt the small of her back. I ran my fingers over the curve of her hip and spread out my hand on her flat stomach, marvelling at her warmth and softness.

I had no idea of the time but it didn't really matter, I would've been content to lie there all day long with her.

For a while I drifted in and out of blissful consciousness, my mind running over the events of last night. Everything was fresh in my mind, and I could still feel her curves in my hands and taste her on my tongue. I was certain that it was the best sex I had ever had.

Eventually I heard Amelia's steady breathing change and felt her body shift slightly in bed. I opened my eyes and watched her for a while.

She stretched once, rubbed her eyes, and turned over so that she was facing me. She looked so beautiful, despite her messy hair and bleary eyes. When she smiled I thought of last night, and her full lips trailing over my skin. I fought hard not to let my imagination get the better of me.

"Good morning." She said, her voice slightly croaky. We both chuckled at the sound.

"Morning sleepyhead." I said, reaching out to brush some hair away from her face so that I could see her eyes.

"Was last night even real?" She whispered.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean it feels like a dream, like it was too good to be true. It never feels that good."

I chuckled, nodding and shifting closer to her. I could feel her heat on my skin.

"Yeah, I get it."

"I can't even wonder about whether that was right or wrong, or a mistake... Because it felt perfect. What have you done to me Joe?"

I draped my arm over her waist and she shuffled into me so that her head was tucked under my chin. Her hands were spread out over my chest and I knew she could feel my erratic heart beat.

"I was going to ask you the same thing Amelia." I whispered into her hair.

Another half an hour elapsed in the blink of an eye as we held each other tenderly and had whispered conversations about little things, occasionally falling into a content silence.

We eventually got up and I swallowed roughly when the sheets fell away from Amelia's body. She was only wearing her underwear and she looked flawless.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer. Trust me, I know." She said, and that brilliant smile was all over her face. She picked up her clothes which were scattered on the floor and pulled them on hastily, as if she was conscious of me seeing her like this.

"I definitely would if I could." I said, grabbing a shirt and shorts from the pile of laundry by my bed. I just hoped they were clean.

"There are much better views you could take photos of Joseph." She said, her cheeks red from my compliment.

"Now you're talking rubbish. You're fucking beautiful." I grumbled, disliking her modesty.

Her eyes widened at my outright words, and she smiled at me in awe for a while.

"Let's go and eat something." I said, breaking the electric silence.

"Let's." She nodded, and followed behind me up the stairway and into the upper section of the flat.

Shutter ❋ Joe Sugg AUWhere stories live. Discover now