13 ❋ Amelia

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The picture in the media is courtesy of my lovely friend prongsiepie - her summary is pretty accurate lol

Three days passed, and during that time Dan either pretended that the night didn't happen or forgot about it completely. I tended to believe the former, because he was extra courteous and polite to me at work. It was sometimes sickening to watch him fawn over me as he did - especially because I knew the real reason behind my rejection.

On the afternoon of the third day I was lying on my bed basking in the weak sunlight that filtered into the room. I was staring at my phone, contemplating whether or not I should ring Joe.

His face had not left my mind since our first meeting, and I wasn't sure how much longer I could try to forget him. Before I could convince myself otherwise, I tapped the dial icon on his contact page and brought my phone to my ear.

It rang a few times, by which point I was extremely tempted to hang up. However, before I could, I heard Joe's voice over the speaker.


I froze, and I felt my heart beating an unsteady rhythm in my chest. I opened my mouth to speak but it was as if my tongue was suddenly unable to move.

"Hello? Who is this?" Joe said again, and even through the phone I could hear the many layers of his accent, and I pictured him smiling at Caspar as he spoke into the phone. I took a deep breath before speaking.

"Um, hi Joe. It's... Amelia. You know, the camera girl..." I stuttered. I wanted to punch myself for being so awkward.

"Oh! Amelia. Hi. I was wondering if you would ever call." He chuckled through the phone and I felt my stomach do a somersault at the sound.

"It has only been a week or so..." I said, smiling as I held the phone to my ear.

"It has been 5 days to be exact. I've been counting."

"Really?" I said, smirking even though he couldn't possibly see me.

"Oh yeah. Our meeting left quite an impression on me Amelia."

I sighed, relieved that he felt the same. Ever since that day I have been unable to go 5 minutes without thinking about it.

"So... I was wondering if you wanted to... I don't know, get coffee again?" I said weakly, realising that I didn't think this through at all.

"Costa's on Victoria Street?" Joe said, and I could almost hear his smile through the phone.

"I mean, we don't have to. I don't mind where we go." I said, suddenly nervous.

"How about we go to a favourite place of mine? It'll be a surprise." He said. Everything about our interaction and organisation of this meeting screamed 'date', however I brushed off the possibilities behind our reunion. I wanted to see him again, plain and simple. There was nothing wrong with that.

"Sure. Where do I meet you?"

"Well, I could come round to your place. I don't actually have a car, but we can get anywhere on the tube now days."

I bit my lip, my mind a whirlwind of doubts. If Joe came here there was a distinct possibility that Troye and Tyler would meet him, and then I would never hear the end of it. I would have to figure out a way for them to remain oblivious.

I told Joe our address and asked him to please just wait down on the ground floor. He sounded confused but accepted my request anyway.

"I'll see you soon. Oh and Amelia?"

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