26 ❋ Amelia

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omfffff the gif literally makes my ovaries explode

The next morning I woke up late - I was free from my alarm because for once I didn't have to get up and go to work. I sat up in bed, rubbing my eyes and yawning loudly at the same time. Like every other morning I picked up my phone from the bedside table and checked it. I had a tonne of unread messages and missed calls from just one person - Dan Howell.

Dan: (9:47pm) what the fuck is this monstrosity outside my door.

Dan: (9:48pm) i know i was an asshole but really?? is this really necessary?

Dan: (9:48pm) to be quite honest i wouldn't want to have sex with this thing even if it was the only way to save humanity.

Dan: (9:51pm) btw dorothy is my grandmas name

Dan: (1:24am) i'd like to apologise in person one day, if you'll let me.

I stared at the phone in my hand for a while, deciding whether or not to reply. In the end I couldn't think of anything to say so I locked the phone and resolved to do it later. I had to ring my manager at Tesco's and tell him that I was quitting.

The weather was frightful today, and the air temperature inside the house was toasty warm thanks to my early rising roommates. I stared out my window at the gloomy sky. It gave me little motivation to get out of bed, but eventually I climbed out and went to the kitchen in my pajamas. The flat was empty of course, since the time was 10:20 in the morning. Troye and Tyler left for work much earlier.

I ate breakfast slowly, savouring every mouthful. I rarely had slow mornings such as this one, where the day stretched ahead of me free and full of possibilities. My thoughts drifted between photography and Joe. When I was finished breakfast I picked up my phone and rang him.

He answered on the fourth ring, his voice thick from sleep. I could just imagine his messy hair and squinty eyes as he scrambled for the phone; I kind of wished I was there to see it.

"Hi Lia, how are you?" He asked, his voice breaking slightly on the 'you'. I giggled fondly, my chest flooding with a warm feeling because it seemed as if he was trying hard to sound like he wasn't still in bed.

"I'm absolutely grand." I said, grinning uncontrollably. At that very moment I felt ten thousand times better than last night. It felt like the whole thing with Dan was buried already, replaced by a feeling of hope for the future.

"Have you rung up work yet?" Joe asked, and I could tell he was smiling along with me through the phone.

"No I haven't... I just thought of this now, but what if they say I can't do that?"

"Can't do what?"

"Just call up Tesco's and say I'm quitting... Maybe I have to give notice or something..." I said, and suddenly an uneasy feeling settled in the pit of my stomach.

"Oh... Shit, I didn't think of that Lia. Maybe you could just miss work for a few days, and then they would lay you off anyway."

"But that's probably not a good thing to have on my record..." Now I was genuinely worried. How could I have overlooked something so obvious?

Shutter ❋ Joe Sugg AUWhere stories live. Discover now